Twelve Insight ~ The Power Of Cool, Calm And Centered

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Twelve Insight Journal | January 27 2013

Reader: … My thoughts are, I trust in God and the universe to protect me and it seems to have gotten me where I am and want to be now. I feel that if I focus on safety, then I am not being trusting in God and being negative. What are your thoughts on this?

Safety is a condition all in and of itself and has nothing to do with any danger that might be out there. In other words, when your attention is purely upon the safety you are in place of joyful happiness and freedom. Safety is just your name for a place where happiness and freedom flow uninterrupted.

That place of flowing happiness must happen in your mind first before it can happen in your world. So we would ask this about your mantra – do you say “Only good surrounds me” and really believe it and expect it, or do you have bogeymen in your mind… like saying “I know they are out there, but I feel safe in here”?

There is no such thing as “out there”, you see. “Out there” is also a part of you, your awareness. And that stuff you don’t want is always going to be “out there”… somewhere. It’s a big universe with many other extensions of Creator too. So we really like “Only good surrounds me.” And even if something you would call “bad” comes into your experience, it’s going to be for a good reason. If you are looking for it, it will be obvious.

One of our friends had the experience of being laid off from his work, exactly at a time when he needed to focus on fixing up his house. The timing of it was so precise that he realized it was all good, and just went with that flow, rather than resisting it. If you resist, if you say “Don’t take my good away,” and try to go back, that is denying that the Source of All is in control of your whole field and that only good can come. It is your perception that has to change, not the world.

We would invite you to see all things as being for your good, rather than just the select few that are really tops. Find the good in all the little things first; get in the habit of it. And then when something that looks like it might be bad comes along, you will know it’s just Good wearing a disguise. This will really add to your momentum and it will eliminate the little bit of fear hiding in the background of your manta.

Practice this until your core hara center, down in your gut, is in agreement with what you say. When a piece of “bad” news comes, and you don’t even get up out of your chair, you will know you have practiced it well. Your core will say to you excitedly “I wonder what good will come from this.”

We see that you are already to the point where you are annoying some of the others with your composure. It’s OK. Let them be annoyed. Stay cool, calm, centered, no matter what. Certainly don’t feel like you have to react just because the other people are. You don’t have to go there.

There was an incident with another man we know who had that “calm under pressure” thing nailed. And there was a fire on the stove in their kitchen. While others rushed around wondering what to do, he calmly walked over and put the lid on the burning pan and walked it outside. That’s the power of cool, calm and centered.

Your nonphysical partners, angels, guides, are always with you, close at hand. Your imaginal realm is real, the rest is merely shadows.

We are with you,



We would invite you to see

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

We would invite you to see all things as being for your good, rather than just the select few that are really tops. Find the good in all the little things first; get in the habit of it. And then when something that looks like it might be bad comes along, you will know it’s just Good wearing a disguise. This will really add to your momentum and it will eliminate the little bit of fear hiding in the background of your manta.


This is perfect for Geeta today.   It's bitter to my persona for one to "love" you when you got and not when you dont (not yet that is...hehehee).  There is NO LACK in my energy field NONE.  Just time for miracles to manifest oh yeah.  hehehee.  And, Geeta will be kind when they do transpire, promise.  That's my nature, to be kind and sharing. Anything other than is LUD-A-CRIS...   Just cause you don't have does not mean you won't; quite the opposite. Thats my reality. I AM beginning to understand this FACT. I must be different and CONTINUE to share with others, no matter what.


Joy to the world!!!  I Love me unconditionally. I love you too unconditionally. Lets stay happy forever...

Share the Love freely.


Love swirling GeetaBoo