Update by Sheldan Nidle~Transformation is underway

Lia's picture

9 Ahau, 8 Zac, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Your world has moved even closer to its victory over the dark! There are signs everywhere of what is shortly to happen. Your sacred secret societies have compiled the legal instruments to force the major governments of your world to resign. In consonance with this the military and police forces of these nations have come together in secret to assert that each of them is more than ready to use their powerbases to give their respective governments no other choice than to resign when this course of action is called up. This indication will be given when Heaven advises us that the time to do so has arrived. All our liaison personnel stand at the ready to give the long-anticipated command to everyone. Meanwhile, we wait, and look to our heavenly advisors for the signal that it is now the proper time to bring the dark to its knees. This single command will permit the abundance to be delivered, which in turn indicates that the numerous dark governments of your globe are to resign. A batch of legal papers signed weeks ago is ready to be delivered at a moment's notice. Your deliverance is not far away!

These dark governments are plotting, even as we speak, to find some loophole or other means to further ward off the inevitable long enough to enable them to conjure up a way out of their current dilemma. We are watching them closely and are disinclined to tolerate further forms of defiance. The nuclear options being tested in northeast Asia are a recent example of the 'other means' we mentioned above. Do not worry: they are being very carefully monitored, and we fully anticipate the nature and intent of this truly insane gambit. Rest assured that it will come to naught. No one will be permitted to use these primitive weapons against another. The cabal is indulging in saber rattling by use of a most crude and barbaric toy which we can squash when we deem it appropriate. We present this as a warning: the dark cabal and its many forms of chicanery and perfidy are not being indulged; we are simply watching and waiting, and when it is right to act, will act decisively. That time is not yet upon us. What is important is to have the green light from Heaven-and then the rest will follow rapidly.

Our personnel assigned to these sacred tasks are more than ready to create a new, blessed reality for you. The numerous sacred societies and their allies have fashioned a series of profound changes which will transform your present doom-laden realm. Until then we have asked our associates to honor the world as it is. Do not be pulled into any of this dark nonsense as it is scheduled soon to end. As is obvious, the various dark cabals that run your realm are in panic, but their sundry attempts at mischief currently playing out are about to melt away. We are prepared to scoop them up and deliver them to their appropriate destinations where they are to await their comeuppance. You, on the other hand, are being prepared to become fully conscious Beings of Light. Heaven has set up an agenda for this to happen and we are here to carry out the final stages of this grand and sacred plan. The dark on your planet has not come up against the likes of us before and is daily confronted by technologies and abilities of the Light that easily trump the best that these denizens of the dark have to offer.

It truly behooves you to be in joy and gleeful anticipation! Heaven smiles on you, and the Creator has established the means for you to achieve a blessed return to full consciousness. We have been appointed to ensure your deliverance from these still-erring ones; their dire workings are to be stricken from your realm and Heaven will then champion your new Light-filled world and extend to you the means to rejoin your space and, especially, your spiritual families. These 'coming attractions' are sacred events which free you from those who consider you to be less than them, and who intended to turn you into perpetual slaves of their rampant insanities. It was eventually to lead to a massive death toll, designed to decrease your global population to around one-tenth of the present number, and those who survived were to envy the dead. This will not happen. By Heaven's decree you are to move rapidly into a realm of joy, prosperity, and a sacred respect for individual sovereignty. The time has come for all this to manifest upon Earth!

Blessings of Health and Joy to all! We are your Ascended Masters! Various elements of our prosperity program are ready to emerge from the silence presently demanded of us by Heaven. The major organizations created since the end of World War II have been legally disbanded. We are now using our blessed energies to prepare our sacred societies to replace the current leaders with our own. This is expected shortly. Heaven has also informed us to alert those who are preparing to immediately replace the current economic system to get ready to act, as the final series of phenomena are now precipitating in the heavens. These events are to invoke the formal termination of the agreement signed nearly 13,000 years ago. You are on the brink of a most magnificent time in your blessed history. The gracious blessings of Heaven are now to manifest and, in the blink of an eye, thrust you into a new reality redolent with Love and Light!

Bear in mind that your new economic system is merely a stopgap. It is designed to prepare you to accept unending prosperity and teach you that the debt economy with its many abrupt reversals and insecurities are a way for the dark to control you. This quicksand realm in effect was a grand illusion, promulgated by solemn pledges on the part of government to lower national debt and bring you temporary prosperity. In truth, global prosperity has always been possible from the beginning and it is an illusion to believe otherwise. The amount of gold available was kept hidden for manipulative purposes, and the same is true of diamonds and so-called precious metals and stones. The availability of these commodities was limited to create a contrived definition of wealth and enforce the concepts of scarcity, poverty, and debt. You possess the ability to bring forth a cornucopia of wealth and to enjoy a luxurious life. The key is to learn to Love and care for each other!

In this wonderful world that is preparing to appear, you will become able to care deeply for each other and for Mother Earth. Inside your home world lies Agartha which is a 5-D realm. Heaven is now to allow Mother Earth to extend this realm out to her surface world. This means that each of you requires a transformation into a fully conscious, 5-D state of being. This transformation is underway, and the blessed changes being wrought in you are the true means to convert you into this divine and immortal Being. Much will be required of you. You will take on a raft of new duties, and in this we are prepared to teach you much that is key to understanding who you are to become. We invite you to accept this proposition and to discard gleefully all the bunkum that the dark has fed you through the ages. Use your innate wisdom to validate the truths that Heaven is to show you, and come to understand just what amazing children of the Divine you are destined to become!

Today we brought you more information about what is happening on your world. Our space and spiritual families are here to complete the divine task of transforming your reality back into a condition that is sacred and blessed by Heaven. The moment is upon you for a most well deserved blessing! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: info@paoweb.com | Website address: www.paoweb.com



This guy talks crap.

Michael Merkabaman's picture

Am I the only one who feels like it;s a load of bullcrap every time from this guy?

HONESTLY, will he ever feel bad that not one things he sayd EVER happens! lol

Let's get serious here :) 

nope, im sure the title was

Alexandros's picture

nope, im sure the title was from a couple of his older msgs and i bet after i read this ill want to comment again how much full of .. :D he is the same and the same and the same things over and over and over again


RIght ON!

Michael Merkabaman's picture

Thank you.  I'm glad I am not the only one.  It is my own fault for reading it, I know. :)

But, I am always hungry for new info but then all of a sudden I realize, that it starts to ALL sound like a bunch of crap.  And, I gues the gift in that is that we need to go within.

Create peace and harmony and love within. The rest is only the attraction of the old game of drama and duality. 

I did feel like a new person for most of the day.  I was throbbing with a new level of vibration.  It was quite ecstatic.  Looking forward to more of that.

Light and LOVE,



BelindaLove's picture

Well, he's got a number on the bottom there. Why don't you just call it and ask?

Same message different day

kizzy54's picture

Same message different day for years now,  The only truth i see is that the dark is more powerful than the light.  It looks like Jesus was right when he said Satan is the father of lies.   Satan means advesary.   You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

If you see dark as more

will's picture

If you see dark as more powerful than light you're not really seeing at all. Sheldan's messages may be repetetive, but that sure doesn't mean the dark is winning.