Update ~ The Signs of the Tide Turning are Showing Up

MomT's picture

Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth



New Daily Update Note: This is a Long Version, we are now moving to daily updates as much as we can as a result of the increased energies.

  “Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected”. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Quoted from Keven Zeese Alternative News"....The paradox of power is that the real power is with us, if we have the courage to use it...."

Greetings Love Beings, Each Moment we arrive Deeper Into the Divine Plan unfoldment and this is becoming apparent for those with Eyes to see. The Victory of the Light On Planet Earth=Heart is manifesting into Physicality and there is absolutley nothing the illusion can do about it. It can clearly be seen, felt, and experienced by many now. July Is Going to be packed Full of Loves Reality Unfolding. Its the Moment Humanity Stands in their Power as A Family of One. For those Who are Ready for this Experience the Lights will be coming on in a Big way! YEEHAW! Indeed We are In Massive Transformational Energies across the Surface of Mother Earth. The Signs of the Tide Turning Are Showing Up Everywhere! CHOO CHOO!

Quoted from Anonymous ~ "Enough, elite. You are FINISHED."


Some of The evidence the Tide is turning is at hand! Here is a Quote released  from Venzuela about Humanity's Hero Edward Snowden

...."Maduro said Venezuela would examine the asylum request once it was received. “We think this young person has done something very important for humanity, has done a favour to humanity, has spoken great truths to deconstruct a world… that is controlled by an imperialist American elite,....”




MotherGod!!..Thank you for

Doreen Smith's picture

MotherGod!!..Thank you for this amazing update. My heart is doing double back flips..and I am so thankful for the news about Turkey. What an awesome example in Love they have given humanity..LOL WOOHOO  So Thankful and Grateful Love Wins! (((HUGZ)))