Source: The Golden Age Daily - 12/06/12
Dear Ground Crew:
First I want to thank all of you who prayed for me, sent me healing, tapes, contributions, kind words, energy, poetry and acknowledgement after I asked for your assistance in recovering from a devastating loss. I can’t tell you how grateful I am with your generous responses. You mean the world to me, ground crew. You are gifted, talented and amazing Lightworkers and I feel honored to be a part of the ground crew.
I am feeling better and healing more each day. It seems like we are re-inventing ourselves daily and we don’t quite know how we will turn out. I am learning to be in joy as much as possible and feeling the love of many angels both human and otherwise. We are never alone and sometimes our lesson is to ask for help because “they” need us to ask. We also need to be in gratitude every day. Focusing on the positive will take us a long way into our higher dimensional way of being and manifesting.
I had a dream a few nights ago where the Light Realms were celebrating 12/12/12 and 12/21/12. It seems like we have accomplished a lot. We should be pleased with ourselves. They are very happy with us. I can’t wait for us to celebrate our cosmic consciousness. I started writing this poem after the dream:
Into the land of milk and honey.
Let’s band together strongly
Until we no longer need money.
Let’s lay the template
For our new Heaven on Earth.
Let’s remember deeply
This is the reason for our birth.
We are Christing
At this holy time of the year.
Let our hearts sing boldly.
This is the end of fear.
You are invited to participate in the onebillionoms for peace on December 21, 2012. You can go to for your time zone, etc.
Whatever we do to from now until December 21 and thereafter, will have a powerful effect on our planet and our consciousness. Gathering in groups is a good idea or over the Internet.
A Message from Lady Nada
(Sananda’s Twin Flame)
Beloved Light Streams, we are indeed pleased with all that you have done to help us achieve this spiritual awakening on the Earth. If it were not for all of you we would not be celebrating. You have achieved the highest rank of Light Beings. We honor you and praise you for your hard work and achievements.
Be prepared to stand with us in the ranks of the Masters, those accomplished beings who no longer need to incarnate on the Earth. You have earned your ascension wings and you will know this with each passing day.
Please do not worry about not having done enough on your spiritual path. You have gone past what has been asked of you. Stay connected to your hearts and your truth. Stay focused on the love and the Light that are streaming to the Earth. You are the transmitters of this Light and love, the human Light being generators of higher consciousness. Your days are coming.
We love you, thank you and bless you on your journey.
Blessings, love and Light,
Valerie Donner