Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council

OdiStar's picture - 9 January, 2014



Greetings I am Mira:

As you know I am still working with the Earth Council. This is my primary assignment and will be for some more earthly years.

First, I want to assure you that we are real and present on the earth. We want to relieve any doubt of who we are, why we are here on the earth and what we are doing. Our mission is a big one although there are many other members from other star systems who are also assisting the earth.

At the present there is a lot of chaos and that makes a matching need for peace and calm. We monitor these energies constantly. For some reason humans constantly surprise us with how they can get into trouble. The emergence of radiation from the country of Japan is an additional problem. We are there and have been there since before it happened. The situation continues to require the utmost diligence and care. Our scientists are experts in this issue however; we cannot intervene and undo everything that humans created. They must participate in this need for cleanup. Unfortunately, it is affecting marine life and all of life.

Humanity is learning some important lessons about the use of this type of energy. There are alternatives that are far superior and less dangerous. These must be brought to the forefront. The technology is already there. In the meantime, there is great sadness about what is happening to marine life, the people in Japan as well as other places where this is reaching. Humanity must learn that greed and lack of respect for the earth and life will not create a sustainable future.

We are your brothers and sisters. We are with you because we love you and we are a part of you. We have been on the earth for eons of time. Little do you know our faces or the faces of others who also come from the Pleiades. Some of you have recognition of each other that you have known in the Pleiades or other star systems. Your DNA is comprised of some of our DNA so let’s say we know each other. One way or the other we are connected. Part of our purpose is to help other planets ascend. The earth is one that we love the most. It is the most beautiful of all planets. We are present to make sure that she is not destroyed. We don’t want you to think this situation with your waters is futile but we want you to be more helpful and aware.

Humanity cannot continue to go about their lives like everything will always be the same for this is untrue. The choices that are made now must be about how to cope with the events that have occurred and how to creatively heal the earth as a collective. Going about one’s life as separate from everyone else is futile. You will begin to see more and more what we mean by that. You are meant to live together co-operatively not competitively. You will need to band together to assist the earth and each other as well as all parts of life.

 We will be working together with you in the fullest extent in the near future. This fact could rattle some people who do not believe in the star families but let me assure you they will be blessed that we are here. Know that we only come in peace, love and helpfulness. You need all of these features and much more.

Get ready to become more connected with your galactic neighbors, family and friends. This is the only way to get through the challenges and for the earth and those who choose to ascend also.

I am Mira sending you love and healing.




Ready anytime....

Gr8tful0ne's picture

Thank you for this positive message. Please come soon! ;)

Thank you Valerie

David Porter's picture

Mira, SOS, we need back-up NOW!!!

The ones that fear you landing are the same ones that will fear it a hundred years from now, so please ask your supporting "Commanders" that it is time.

We need you on surface Earth NOW, NOW NOW!!!

Even the ones that won't have their arms open at first within minutes, hours or just a few days those arms will want to hug you all up~come on down, this I speak on behalf of the entire population of our planet where or not they consciously know who you are and why you've come. Most now do know that we are not far from destruction if some kind of "Higher Power" do not intervene in just days now. If not, it won't matter much in matter, because most of it here will no be.

You truly must know this from you perspective?? I have been reading your channeled messages for a very long time and I just begin the process of debunking the false ones, I don't sense that you are with the Archons??? Please proof me/us correct. Thank you for your support. 

David Porter

Author of the series