Vector Equilibrium & Isotropic Vector Matrix

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 Exploring The Fractal Holographic Nature Of The Cosmos


As has been stated throughout this website, the Vector Equilibrium (VE) is the most primary geometric energy array in the cosmos. According to Bucky Fuller, the VE is more appropriately referred to as a “system” than as a structure, due to it having square faces that are inherently unstable and therefore non-structural. Given its primary role in the vector-based forms of the cosmos, though, we include it in this section.



The Vector Equilibrium, as its name describes, is the only geometric form wherein all of the vectors are of equal length and angular relationship (60° angles throughout). This includes both from its center point out to its circumferential vertices, and the edges (vectors) connecting all of those vertices. Having the same form as a cuboctahedron, it was Buckminster Fuller who discovered the significance of the full vector symmetry in 1917 and called it the Vector Equilibrium in 1940. With all vectors being exactly the same length and angular relationship, from an energetic perspective, the VE represents the ultimate and perfect condition wherein the movement of energy comes to a state of absolute equilibrium, and therefore absolute stillness and nothingness. As Fuller states, because of this it is the zero-phase from which all other forms emerge (as well as all dynamic energy events, as will be described below). In Fuller's own words...

For Full Article Please Visit:Vector Equilibrium & Isotropic Vector Matrix | Cosmometry
