by GLR Nancy Leilah Ward Freedom is our birthright. Allow yourself to vibrate with this word, feel its energy permeating your being. What would it feel like to have freedom flow in every aspect of your life? What would it feel like to be living on a planet where freedom flows through every aspect of everyone’s lives? What would our co-creation in the flow of freedom look like? I love feeling into this flow, allowing it to fill my energy field with this vibration, because within freedom, is love, joy, inspiration, empowerment. This is actually, simply, the life force energy. The Edge of Immediate Change 
The Edge of Immediate Change, oil on canvas 199 Many of us are creating deep changes in our lives. Waves of high vibrational frequencies are moving through the Universe, rocking our boats and sending us up and down on surges of energy. The swells and troughs of this energetic movement can be felt as uneasiness or excitement, then dropping down into lethargy or inertia; going from inspiration to pointlessness. It is all just vibratory feelings. Observing the movement and the fluctuations, with a sense of humor, laced with the wonder of it all, helps us to remain fluid so we can go with the flow of energy. In the outer world, these surges are assisting us in consciously forging new pathways, making new choices and alignments and actually integrating new identities. No matter how change comes to us – whether it be in unexpected events, or our conscious creation – it brings endings and new beginnings. All this movement can make us feel like we’re on an emotional roller coaster. These waves of energy can take us into maelstroms of emotion that gradually build up and then crest in outbursts of feeling. If we keep allowing the waves to pass through us, they are highlighting emotions that we have denied. They are rising to the surface and passing through, so don’t hold on and examine, just let it pass over you, like waves in the ocean, and love yourself through it. Swells and Troughs The month of June, although busy, was a building of energy, rising up the swell of a great wave. Now we have crested and have been sinking into troughs and rising up swells, cresting again and going down into the trough again. Anyone a little seasick? At times I feel very fast movement then tapering off, then flowing fast again as we move with the motion in the ocean of energy. Many are honoring the need to create change in their lives, beginning to do things differently and to make different choices. The energy can be rather wobbly with many starts and stops along the way, creating feelings of vertigo or motion sickness as we pick up speed and then experience delays. Enthusiasm and excitement give way to frustration or dead calm as we feel that one moment we were so excited about a prospect, the next moment feeling no enthusiasm at all. Remaining observant, with a sense of humor and non-attachment to the ups or the downs is a spiritual practice that leads to inner freedom.  From the Daily Drawings, July 10, 2012
Energetic Sensitivity You may be feeling discomfort in certain places or situations, which leads to irritability. What doesn’t resonate with our new vibrational frequency becomes unbearable and impossible to tolerate any longer. Our Souls are being infused with Life Force Energy, which is filtering through the dimensional frequencies that we embody. If there are aspects of beliefs or the residue of events from our past and from other lifetimes that disallow the flow of our natural Soul vibration, energy isn’t able to move in these areas. This causes limitation, a feeling of powerlessness or stuck-ness that feels like pain – be it spiritual, mental or emotional – it finally manifests in the physical, whether it is reflected in the health of our physical body, or lack of the flow of energy and freedom in our lives. Pay attention to your feelings and to your intuition. Even the tiniest nudges around situations that feel relatively unimportant can put you on a trajectory of energetic integrity. Riding the Waves For example, let’s say someone invites you to a future event and your initial feeling is no, it’s not going to work for you, even though you don’t yet have plans for that time. You just feel it’s not going to happen. Then your friend expresses disappointment, so maybe you say yes, even though you have this feeling. And then the day of the event comes and there’s something else you are wanting to do, or something happens and you’re simply unable to go. Then your friend is even more disappointed because you had promised to be there, bypassing your intuition. Or you’re disappointed because you’re missing doing that other thing that holds higher energy for you. Loss of life force energy occurs when we don’t honor our intuition. We have an opportunity to ride these waves of energy to new experiences and inspiration, and when we follow our intuition and our hearts, we can navigate the flow and catch a wave that takes us into new, higher frequencies. So it is important to remain alert and aware of the energy outside and within us. Graduate School We are learning to become masters in discerning energetic shifts and changes in frequencies. I have said this before, we are in an accelerated graduate program, on our way to becoming conscious co-creators, standing our ground when it feels right, and letting go into surrender when that is needed in order to flow. Divine Selfishness Part of our experience of Freedom is to honor our intuition and to make choices that feel good to us. This is the practice of Divine Selfishness. When we live always trying to please others, we cause grief to our Souls. This blocks the flow of our Divine Energy. We end up angry or depressed or resentful and these feelings open a floodgate of other lower vibrational energies that often lead to physical dis-ease. Worm Holes At times we are travelling through worm holes, taking us into new experiences, a vortex of energy spinning us through these tunnels – or inter-dimensional conduits. We need to have clear intentions so we can release into trust that our intentions are carrying us through the chaotic churning energy into our Soul’s integrity. If you travel into eddies of fear or despair, allow the feelings to wash through you. Reach your energy or focus outward to people you love and people you feel harmony with – even if you don’t know them well - it’s like reaching out a helping hand or touching someone’s spirit, making a connection in knowing that we are not alone in this experience. Touching Spirits So many people are going through turmoil as change tumbles their reality. So many people are in grief as those they love choose to leave this physical plane. As we reach out to each other through the inner net, as if to hold etheric hands, we make those connections in a very real way and we strengthen our resolve and our ability to move through turbulence. The vibration of love helps to calm the waters we are flowing through, even if all around us is chaos and upheaval. So when someone pops into your mind – even if it’s someone you don’t know very well – a passing person you smiled at, or someone who helped you at the market – make the connection and send out the vibrational frequency that feels good. It is like irrigating the human field of consciousness with love and raising our collective vibration. Dealing with Unconscious Behavior We are literally diffusers of energy – just like the way a diffuser of essential oils allows the fragrance, which is also an energetic frequency, to permeate the atmosphere, we are constantly diffusing our energy into the world. There are many people who are living in total unconsciousness about this aspect of themselves, and they diffuse all their emotional frequencies out into the atmosphere without any regard or consciousness about how they are affecting others. Those of us who are energetically sensitive can find it really challenging to live within an environment of chaotic unconscious energies that are pinging our energy fields, like many balls in a pin-ball machine (remember those?). It can feel like being bombarded by little metallic balls of energy constantly irritating us and all those around us. Unconscious people don’t realize this is what is irritating them, causing them to send out these balls of energy, adding to the chaos. This is especially prevalent in crowded environments. Masters of Energy If this is what you are experiencing, please find the understanding within you that you are a Master of Energy, and that is why you are in this environment. As you walk through the winds of unconsciousness, you have the chance to diffuse peace and gentleness into the environment. And, being in the Graduate School of Consciousness, you will rise to the thrill – the enlivening challenge – of maintaining stillness, peace and joy within you no matter what’s going on in your environment. Play with this – pay attention: You are in a vibration of extreme irritation and chaos, and you call the Life Force energy into your being, allowing it to permeate your entire energy field, calling up the vibration of peace, playfulness and happiness. Allow it to radiate outward. For example: do this before you enter the retail establishment that is pulsating with people’s unconscious wanting and impatience. Diffuse this energy and see what happens. Some people may become more annoying and angry and may actually storm out of the environment, others may begin to laugh, the person waiting on people may suddenly feel a shift in their energy and begin to feel tension draining away. Remember to smile and connect to people through your eyes. You will witness shifting energy as a feeling of relief spreads throughout the environment. By diffusing the high vibration of love, we are assisting in the Awakening of all. “Awakening” from the Daily Drawings, July 11, 2012
Freedom vs. Authority We hear all over the world about governments making decisions and implementing programs to regulate the activities of the Human Beings of Earth. Yes, the Human Beings who are in the position of having the Authority granted through government to do what they can to monitor and control the masses are feeling much fear as structures – be they third dimensional (physical) or 4th dimensional (emotional/mental) – are collapsing. For thousands of years the Authority operated through fear to keep Humanity separate from one another and from nature. All this is changing now. Each Human Being can assist in this process by taking responsibility for their energy and their life situations. This is about growing up, rising into our power. There is much power when Human beings awaken to the reality of Oneness. When the Human Being acts in Coherence, we become masters of conscious manifestation. Without realizing it, we have been acting in coherence in focusing on negativity and fear. Look at our world. We have created it all. Actually, there is no authority other than our own focus and attention. We, the Masters of Energy, are claiming our power in One-ness, that’s why connecting with one another in the third dimension and in the inner realms is so important. Politics, Economics and Anger Further dividing us are our viewpoints, no matter what they are. I know it is difficult in this world to observe political decisions that act against freedom, fairness, and respect for the earth, without getting emotional about it. After all, we are humans and we have emotions. But feeling anger gathering within oneself over elitist political stances and destructive choices does nothing to help the human connection other than to send toxic vibrations throughout our energy fields and the energetic being of Humanity. Anger is a vibrational frequency that moves energy, and it’s better than the powerlessness of depression. We can use the anger to pulse outward through our energy field when we feel it, because repression is not going to serve us either. The drive of the anger that we feel can be put into action to support the energies that sustain life. However, pointing fingers and blaming others is adding gasoline to the fire. Tuning in to my guides for a vaster perspective, I am shown that the noise of the world, meaning the opinions and control that is trying to be asserted are distractions from the more important work at hand that has to do with loving ourselves. Acting upon that frequency of love in every moment of our lives is the only way we can rise above the churning waters of fear and powerlessness. Joyful Noise Again I am given the vision of human light bodies holding hands and strengthening a grid of light and love, creating an actual energy field for other human beings to rise up into. I am seeing the separation of border crossings, war and government authorities acting upon what the money wielders tell the politicians to do, creating the fear and separation in our world. These “powers that be” are in fear, because the higher energies are collapsing their structures. So they are making a last ditch attempt to assert their control against a tide that is relentless and unstoppable. Grassroots and solidarity in love and fun is our strength. When I think of Human Beings – the people of the Earth, I see people who love to create, who love to feel good, to taste life, to create music and art, to dance, to share recipes, to make a joyful noise unto the world. This is what we must celebrate and amplify in our individual and collective lives.  Daily Drawings, July 9, 2012
The Sun without and the Sun within In my Monday Channeling telecalls, the Vastness of Being have been showing us how to work with solar energy. Bringing that energy in through our 6th chakra and sending it down to our Dantian. In Qi Gong, this usually refers to the area in the lower abdomen, beneath the navel and about a third of the way in to the abdominal cavity. Also known as the Hara in Japanese energy medicine, this is considered to be the foundation of life. There are Dantian connections at the top of the head, the third eye and the heart as well. The practice I have been shown is to connect with the Solar energy, bring it in through the third eye and send it down into the abdominal Dantian and then pausing to allow this life force energy to fill us. The Vastness of Being have said that the Sun is a star gate and that the Dantian within us is also a star gate, connecting us to our multidimensionality and also filling us with vitality and life force. Sharing the Same Sky And so we are continuously evolving with the Earth, gaining vibrational momentum through our choices and intentions, always connected to one another. Play well, choose love, celebrate, laugh, connect, for all those who we come across in our daily lives, are reflections of ourselves. Blessings, in Love and Light Nancy Lila Ward This Vibe Report is dedicated to Susie Pearl, my kitty companion of 16 years who left us (physically, anyway) on July 12. Thank you my dear, sweet, soft little friend, there’s a void where you were, but we are filling it with love.
 Susi Pearl, May 21, 1996 – July 12, 2012 ** Every Monday night (almost), I host a Telecall where I channel the Vastness of Being. I tune into the energy of all who have signed up and connect with the energetic vibration so that all who participate, whether live on the call or listening to the recording, receive energies and messages that pertain to their current experience. Often we are led on a visualization journey that helps us raise our energetic vibration through clearing and receiving… emptying and filling. To read more about it, or to sign up, click on this link: http://soultransitions.com/meditations/ Copyright © 2012 by Nancy Wallace Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as the author’s name and website www.soultransitions.com are included.
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