The vibration of Friday 7th September’s date (7+9+2+0+1+2) = 21/3. The number 3 forms the Triangle, the first enclosed form that appears in Creation, and is therefore often referred to as the “Mother of Creation”, because it is the geometric surface through which all other shapes are birthed into manifest form. So themes of birth, fecundity and creativity are expressed with 3’s energy. The number 21 is associated with Cosmic Consciousness. The 21st card in the Tarot is The World. This card is loaded with archetype symbols. We see a circle made from a wreath and an androgynous figure dancing in the centre. The 4 “fixed” signs of the Zodiac appear in the four corners of the card. What this card depicts is a whole journey through the cycles of Life, from the seed to the flower to the fruit an
d back to the seed again. It relates our perception of time to the grander scales of the cosmic cycles that influence us in our daily lives. The 4 fixed signs mark out the four quarters of the Zodiac, and indicates that when we reach the 21st card we have passed through the lessons of the Major Arcana, and passed through a full cycle of the Zodiac. Along this journey our consciousness has evolved to see the Unity in all things and to understand that we are truly responsible for our own lives, that we truly create realities with our thoughts and beliefs. The circle represents the cyclicity of life, the karmic cycle of cause and effect, and also tremendous creative potential, waiting to crack open the cosmic egg, and unleash the force of creation. While under the 21/3 you will be acutely aware of the cycles within cycles that our lives move through, and you can use this awareness to detach from the victimhood mentality that influences a large proportion of earthly consciousness. Creative expression is the key theme for the day, with the awareness that your personal creativity evolves worlds!