Visionkeeper – We must be the shelter from the storm

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We must be the shelter from the storm

Posted on October 25, 2012

As things speed up in the universe and both the planet and all of her inhabitants try to adjust their frequencies to fit in, often there will be times of chaos, as those still anchored in fear react. These times are most challenging indeed and they demand our attention in order for us to remain in the flow. Unfortunately there are many people still attached to the fear mode and it can often create a sense of everything being out of control and yes, some of it is. We have been in training for some time now learning to be still and calm and centered in our hearts in order to maintain the life we desire. We have also been in this training so we can be of service when all hell breaks loose should that happen. It is a given that the economy is soon to implode as well it should, unfortunately when this happens many people will panic and a possible tsunami of fear may follow. The fear that bubbles to the surface has its roots deeply embedded in a lack of being able to see first the need for what is occurring and more importantly not understanding that everything will be alright when the system goes down. If you are unaware that other options are available it leaves you clinging to the old in panic.

I don’t believe our words of wisdom will be required as much as I feel we must set the example for others to follow. If we are happy, if our lives continue to thrive amidst the downfall, others will wonder why and begin to ask questions. That is when we speak and offer a glimpse into a better way of living our lives. We must quell the panic at all costs for panic allowed to run free grows and intensifies as it is fed by the fear. We must be the balance that keeps the panic from tipping us over the edge. There is no need for that to occur. As long as people are aware that there are indeed alternative systems ready to take over then they will quiet down. It is the loosing the ground underneath them without knowing what comes next that creates fear, the thought of something failing and having no way to fix the situation. We must offer them hope by showing them new options are available to live by and are working right now.

The first major hurdle to get everyone over is the fear we are alone in what is happening. We most certainly are not! If we lose all or most of our money, the  rest of the country will be doing the same thing as well. We are all in this together. People need to begin looking into ways to exist without money. Creating a self-sufficient lifestyle is valuable at times like this. For centuries we have been slowly led into dependency and we begin to lose sight of our abilities to take care of ourselves. I would imagine the city dwellers will have the most difficult time being self-sustaining. They need to think about that. This time will become a time of sharing both because of necessity and also because we will begin to see and feel the meaningful side of sharing and helping each other. I doubt this could be born without a crises to invoke it. We humans learn the hard way unfortunately.

If one looks closely at the chaos one will see the brighter side that emerges such as sharing and helping and in the end discovering our oneness. Out of all bad comes good! We cannot proceed forward I do not believe, trying to avoid the inevitable, rather it is the bold act of facing the discomforts and yes the chaos that change always brings, that will bring us strength and draw us closer into becoming one. Once you can begin to understand the reasons for why things must be the way they are, the more calmly we can deal with what is going on. Seeing the bigger picture of why eliminates the fear of unknowing because you can see what is coming and why and be prepared as well.

I don’t write these words to instill fear, just the reality of what is going on around us. If we are aware and seeing the bigger picture and staying in our hearts we can be of help to others. We will be the lightning rods of calmness in the storm, so let us make sure we have our calm in place and can maintain it.  This is our time we have been called for. Be true to yourselves, get out of the box and stay out and open your mind to any and all possibilities. Do not look upon these times in fear but rather with gratitude that finally the time has arrived to push us into a new way of being so the new world can be created from our love.

Blessings to you all,


