One World Rising April 1, 2013
I have been asking myself over and over the $64,000.00 question, but who has the long eluded answer? Really, think about this question, its simplicity, its obviousness, it’s pointedness and then ask yourself why can nobody come up with the answer? Okay, so here goes: ” Why have we not tossed our corrupt politicians from office?” Just what is it we are waiting for? It really is quite stunning, they have broken laws, committed treason, stolen from the people, committed MURDER and the list goes on and on. They are dismantling our Constitution, ripping away our rights, poisoning our food and drinking water, destroying the environment for new pipelines of oil all the while sitting on hundreds of free energy patents that could release us all from this need, yet these creeps are still collecting a pay check and sitting in their plush offices on Capitol Hill and we have done nothing to fire them from their the jobs they are not doing. If you or I had done just a smidgen of what they have done we would be peering out from behind bars yet they are jet setting around the country spending more of our money and passing bills into law that are destroying our country and our way of life. What the hell are we waiting for? What are we going to do when they decide to raid our savings accounts as well and leave us with nothing? Scream in outrage? Time to wise up and get things done before they have the chance to make their next moves.
It truly baffles me and makes my blood pressure soar to watch what is taking place in our country. Now they are trying to take our guns away and if they do we will no longer have a way to fight back for our very existence. Each and every shooting drama being scripted is designed to anger us and create fear and hopefully make us demand that the Government DO SOMETHING to protect us. Protect us? It’s time to protect ourselves and stop asking for our Government to save us. This is exactly what they want and it is exactly how they create the situations that allow them to make new laws to take away more of our rights. Time to wake up and see things for what they are! Everything is being manipulated to bring about the results they are looking for. If we can’t see what is taking place then it’s about time we finally do!
I for one am getting tired of having my life and my rights stripped away because so many are sleeping and few people are doing anything to stand up against this tyranny. I am a heart centered spiritualist, but even I am not willing to push aside reality in favor of not thinking bad thoughts and creating bad scenarios because I did. There comes a time when we have to face what is taking place right in front of us and not look away and try to not see it. Every time these troglodytes commit another crime we lose an ounce more of power to fight against them. Our power lies in standing up and finally saying NO, we are not going to allow this insanity to rage on. We are no longer allowing you to remain in office! We are not strong spiritual beings if we just allow the abuse to continue and more of our planet to be destroyed. I totally agree that our thoughts create our reality and we need to be love, but we need to take back our country as well.
Sometimes I think the dark ones wrote up the manual on how to become spiritual and how clever they were if they did. Do not dwell on the negative, think only on the good things, do not try to resist. I agree with that to a point but when we take it over the edge by showing NO resistance to what is happening to our world, something is seriously out of balance. As I said the other day, we can be loving and positive and awake but still be willing to fight for what is rightfully ours! So getting back to the 64,000.00 dollar question: Why are these boors still occupying Washington? Each and every politician on Capitol Hill and in the White House works FOR THE PEOPLE! If we didn’t do the job expected of us, we would be fired. Period the end. Isn’t it time for us to do some firing in Washington so we can move on and create that new world we keep yapping about?
Blessings to us all,
thats what im sayin...
great article!