One World Rising February 27, 2013
This caught my eye as it speaks volumes about me. I will be the first to admit I am addicted to the internet and that really worries me. If I have computer problems that require a day or two of repairs I always go through withdrawal from not being able to get online! I detest having a dependency on anything, but I am weak when it comes to the internet. I rely on it for everything. I do a great deal of research almost everyday and I love my email and of course it is the only place I get my daily fix of alternative news. I do all of my own healthcare and so I am always searching for alternative info when I need to know how to get better. In other words, it is a major part of my life, I cannot envision life without it! I am not sure how I feel about this. As I mentioned earlier, I really dislike dependency on anything and yet I find the internet so vital for communication, especially in this age of lies and media propaganda, for me it is next to impossible to break this habit.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about this dilemma, is criticizing myself for being weak and allowing myself to be sucked in to this addiction. Then again I in some ways have to depend upon it as I have my blog to run and research to be done. It has become a part of my life which brings me joy. That part of it is okay, it’s the uptightness and panic when I can’t get to it that worries me. Has humanity been duped into this problem? Part of me says yes, another part says no, without it the light workers would be hard pressed to get their message out without it.
I am not ready to sever ties with this addiction.Most likely summer will calm it down as I am outside tending gardens and soaking up the warmth after a long cold winter. Winters are harsh and tend to drive one inside so I guess I should cut myself a little slack and just try to enjoy what I am doing. Who knows how much longer we will be free to surf the earth. If Obama has anything to say we won’t have it much longer. Ah, the evil intentions of the dark ones. It’s time for them to evaporate.
So what issues do you have? Do you pay close attention to your life to know if you even have one? One of the main reasons we need to pay close attention to our lives is so we know what issues we have that need work or clearing out altogether. We need to know ourselves to know about what kind of issues we may have. It’s imperative we know ourselves inside and out for so many different reasons not the least of which is so we can know exactly who we are, what we need and where we need to go in life. So keep your eyes open and take good care of yourself, clear out unwanted clutter and be patient with yourself, after all we are still human.
Blessings to us all,
Addictions Suck!
I say that, because I know exactly what you're talking about. Addictions are what I'm dealing with right now, and they're holding me back from moving forward in my life...and it sucks!
Regarding the internet, I'm off and on the computer ALL DAY LONG. I may stop to watch something on t.v. or feed the cats or myself, but for the most part, I'm forever gazing at my carefully selected sites. Long ago after I woke up from my kundalini experience, it was necessary for me to get on the cp to learn all that I could regarding the subject of ascension. So, I have been spending over 10 years + on this thing, learning, day after day after day.
Other addictions I'm having difficulty with are cigarette smoking and pot smoking. Eating sweets comes to mind, too. I've thought about these problems long and hard lately, and this is what I've learned:
All my life I've been fat. There has been only 3 or 4 times in my life I was nearly at my desired weight. I had to use my willpower to get there. Unfortunately, I didn't stay there long. I'd revert right back to old habits that brought me back to being fat. It's been a "routine" that's been very frustrating.
The last time I lost all my flab (which was 75 lbs or more), was not long ago. It was most of 2012, up to September. Looking back to that, I find that the culprit was "fear". Fear of the unknown, fear of change, and fear of being unsuccessful. One really has to look at themselves to understand their pathetic, continuous patterns. Now, I'm at a deeper perspective of it all. A real crossroads, if you will. I now understand that not only is it the unknown, change and unsuccessful insecurites, but the EGO. The ego is sabotaging my desire to move forward in my life. All of those times I had the willpower to succeed, I now have difficulty finding the much needed willpower.
You see, all of those times I was successful in losing the weight, I had to back away from the computer, and stop eating the sweets, cigarette and pot smoking. Eating sugar goes without saying. Pot smoking, of course, because it made me have the munchies, and fogged my brain. Those who are pot smokers know this. I had to stop the cigarettes, because I used walking to lose the weight. Smoking cigarettes and walking doesn't really go hand in hand. Those who walk alot know this as well. Plus, if I didn't back away from the computer, I would'nt be out there walking. So, I know I HAVE the willpower to correct my addictions, but my ego is fighting me every step of the way. And, as I write this, I have to say that I'm still having a very difficult time of it. Even though my desire is strong to stop doing all the things that are holding me back, I still do them. I.E., ADDICTIONS.
Looking more clearly, in order to ascend, one must have a clear mind. Meaning, NO POT SMOKING! And, one must relinquish all habits and attachments to the 3D world of illusion. If one can do that, then you reach your desired goal. The question is, how bad do we want it??? Do we want it bad enough to "fire the ego" and move forward? And, CAN we do it? Finding the willpower to get up and do something to achieve a goal is one of the hardest things to do. I know it is for me.
For me, it seems that it comes down to one thing; how bad do I want that desired goal? How bad do I want to ascend? Do I want it bad enough to have a better life and be a part of something so wonderful and exciting that will help Humanity and Gaia, or do I want things to stay the way things are because I'm afraid of failing?
For you and your computer, may I ask the same thing? What are your reasons for staying on the computer? Are you afraid of letting go? Are you afraid of the unknown? Are you afraid of failing? These are questions worth asking yourself. These are also the hard questions you have to dig deep down to find the answers. Sure, you enjoy the computer. Sure, you're learning alot. Sure, you'd miss information if you walked away. Sure, you could keep "wanting", but at what cost? Personally, I don't think that the computer could keep you from ascending. I believe that it's the "belief" that you gotta be attached to it that will hold you back. I.E.; ATTACHMENTS.
It's amazing what we learn when we dig deep within ourselves, but in order to ascend, it's something we HAVE to do to be happy or happier.
Blessings of Love and Light to you Visionkeeper, and all those with addictions and attachments.
Love and Light, d'tewa