The Visionkeeper - Are You All Lion Or Only Half A Lion?

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One World Rising Posted on

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Now is the time for us to be strong like lions protecting our planet and our life journeys. We have witnessed enough cruelty and violent oppression in our world, but it will take our participation in redefining our new world and how it functions. To begin with, we must be willing to leave the old behind and move forward, but I feel many are still wading about in the waters of duality. We slip in and out between the two worlds, often times with little or no knowledge that we are doing it. We have lived in this 3D world our entire lives, it is all we know, and departing from it is not always easy to do, we tend to stay close to what is familiar, especially when times are difficult. We all know these times are very difficult and so it is even more important for us to pay close attention to our thoughts and actions and try to stay anchored in the new world.

It is very arduous to deal with what is going on in the world at the same time remain centered and grounded in our hearts. It takes a devotion to what you are wanting to achieve, in our case, creating a new world, and that devotion requires us to stay fully present in our lives and to watch our thoughts and actions at all times. It is often easy to slip into old ways when so much negativity is swirling all around us. There is so much death and destruction taking place right now as the final battle between light and dark plays out, it takes a great deal to just keep ones head above the water. I am finding it especially challenging because I was given the gift/curse of knowing when people are lying. Unfortunately there so many lies flying around, they are strangling the life out of the world right now and to me it is overwhelming to watch these lies unfold.

Each of us has a spot of vulnerability and we must be on guard in these areas.  The only way to weather these storms is to have a firm foundation from which you grow. A strong foundation that spawns roots from the heart and truth and compassion and grows upwards and out into the world. We require the stamina of the beastly Lion king. We must be a Lion through and through, not only half way. A mighty roar will do little without the backing of an ability to defend through brutal strength. In other words it all boils down to walking the talk where our voice is heard and our actions are in play.

It is time to pay close attention to duality for herein lies our greatest challenge. It is so easy to slip in and out of it unnoticed.  Just by labeling things as good and bad, what is acceptable and what isn’t is in itself duality! Anytime we set up the scenario of two conflicting ideas we are creating duality. Our challenge now is to find a way to create a world for ourselves where we no longer allow these conflicts to reside. We must look for the middle ground where both exist in an acceptable manner. These are the subtle and more challenging issues for us to deal with. We are all in the world for our own personal purposes and we must honor that and be done with our egos nagging which pulls us away from our sacred centers. Silence dualities roar and egos yammering and peace will float down upon our world gently at long last.

Blessings to us all,

