One World Rising May 10, 2013
Music to read by below:
As children it seemed so easy to believe. We would sit quietly listening to fairy tales and bed time stories and our imaginations would run wild. We were there, part of them, the fairy sitting on the shore talking to the frog prince. Believing anything now is so very difficult. So many lies and distortions have challenged our belief system. We are asked to believe all will be well if we just stay in our hearts and keep fear at bay. We are doing just that, but what proof do we have that we are not wasting our time doing this? NONE! But believe we must for it is what will get us to where we want to go. The words blind faith are so very true! We cannot see yet we are asked to believe. In order to do this, we must learn to go deeper within and connect to our souls, where all the answers lie. Our souls can tell us yes, believe, and if we are in tune with our souls we can FEEL we are going in the right direction. This step in the process I fear many are not doing, making believing very difficult. You can believe when you can feel your soul within backing you up and encouraging you to keep going. Listen to your gut!
We are being challenged on so many fronts right now. If you stop and think about all that has happened and is being done to disrupt our progress, I am most proud of everyone for their strength and devotion to this cause. I don’t think we take enough time out to realize our tenacity and feel proud for what we are doing. It really is remarkable. No matter what gets thrown our way we seem to hunker down for the long haul and not allow doubt or fear to enter into our spaces. Mastering this demands great courage, not to follow the herd down the road and over the cliff of fear. We have found our voices that now cry out “No! I will not do it your way.” Our beliefs in where we are going are strong and without question. We know because we feel from our hearts and our hearts know best.
I have said before and I will say it again, I believe we are soon to be tested mightily. I see many boulders in the road ahead and we will be challenged to stand strong and not question during the most trying of times. It is critical we are ready for this. Take time to go within and make sure you truly know yourself, that you can trust yourself and count on yourself no matter what. There will be many who will be lost and in need of counting on us. We can and we will do this just have we have done everything else asked of us up until now. We will soon be leaving spring and diving into the lazy days of summer. We need the solace summer provides us and the time to relax outside in nature, but we must not get sidetracked, our guards let down too far, we must remain at the ready. We are close to the end now, and we will soon reap the rewards, but we must remain ready for action at all times. Bless everyone for their hard work and devotion to the battle for freedom for the world!
Blessings to us all,