The dry season
The dry season is upon us now here in the U.S. Everywhere you drive there is dust and the colors of yellow and brown as weeds begin to die away. The lush green of summer has departed and the birds have begun to depart as well, all that remains are patches of purple asters blowing about in the fields and splashes of white from the Queen Anne’s lace. Random trees on the hillsides have slowly begun their Autumn task of changing colors. It has been so dry this summer one has to wonder what the fall foliage colors will be like. I tend to doubt we will see vibrant reds and oranges, probably a lot of yellow browns. It always triggers a bit of angst within to see summer slip away knowing the brutality of winter that will follow shortly. A time to go within and sort through things, a time to make changes and try out new things. For now we are floating through the dry season, watching the changes and feeling the evenings begin to cool down enough to add an extra blanket on the bed. Autumn has arrived.
I always say we can learn a great deal from Mother Gaia. She does not struggle with change. It is a part of life to her and she flows along doing what she is supposed to do right on schedule. It is amazing to me how nature knows when to switch what it is doing. It speaks loudly to our interconnection for without that she could not do what she must do. The amount of sunlight, the temperatures, so many little triggers that tell Gaia it is time. If Gaia depends upon these factors to do her job, surely we are interconnected as well and depend on each other to live life on planet earth.
We have our usual shifts with the seasons along with the earth. We feel the cold approach and know it is time to prepare for winter much like the squirrels gathering nuts. We know it is time to put away the summer clothes and drag out the winter ones, take off the summer tires and put on snow tires, pull out the bed quilts and flannel sheets, start cooking warm foods instead of cooling summer meals. We makes these changes without thinking, much like Gaia changes seasons, so why does changing who we are within and without cause such fear? We do not know for certain the seasons will be easy, weather may get so intense our survival is threatened, yet we do not fear the change in seasons.
I am beginning to believe our fears of change are unfounded and have been drilled into our heads repeatedly until we accepted them. I don’t believe we would fear change like we do if we had remained in our original state at birth unaltered by the dark ones. I think this fear factor is something we need to investigate within ourselves and do some self-correcting. We were not born with fear in our hearts, it was placed there, and we need to sweep it out and mop the floor of our heart. Change is a part of everyday life and how much easier life would be if we did not fear it but accepted it as a natural way of being. How many times have you heard the phrase ” Change is never easy”? Who said so? Of course it isn’t easy because we have been programmed unto thinking it is a fearful process. Take time to investigate your fears and where they originate from.
We should be flowing through this shift in consciousness with far less intimidation. We fear the changes because we have been taught to fear. Let us begin to make a conscious effort to be like Gaia and face the changes with confidence and grace. Break free of the need to feel fear and replace it with courage and conviction. We must break free of the hold the dark ones have over how we live our lives. We are not living our lives as we should be able to because of ideas implanted in our brains. Enough! Change is nothing to fear but rather should be viewed with excitement as a chance to experience life a different way. Change is a friend for it tells us we are free to do as we please. Embrace it and be happy and be free!
It is about time we start paying closer attention to nature. It is our teacher. The Native Americans knew this well. We are all interconnected and if nature is not fearing change and the animals are not fearing change, then why should we? If we paid closer attention we would see a million different things in nature that would improve how we live our own lives. Instead of destroying nature, let us tend it well and use its guidance in improving our daily lives. It is right there in front of all of us to see and so far I haven’t found any glaring mistakes, it always seems to know what to do and it does it well. We certainly can’t say that about ourselves now can we? Summer has begun to flow into Autumn with grace, let us flow into our changes with grace and leave the fearful thinking behind.
Blessings to you all,