How you think and feel matters
During this time of great unrest and shifting it is so important to be conscious of what you are feeling. Of course we don’t need any negative thinking to weigh us down, that is for sure and it weighs down the planet’s vibration as well. We need excitement to fuel our engines at this time. Excitement usually connotes happy anticipation and hopefully we are all excited about the coming changes. That is good as it keeps us vibrating at a higher speed. If we couple this with feeling optimistic about what these changes will bring then we speed up even faster. Excitedly anticipate what may be coming with thoughts of ‘knowing’ they will be good. Have no doubt in your mind about how the world will be, see it as positive and loving and peaceful. See it, know it and breathe it with excitement in your hearts. These emotions set the stage for a positive outcome and while you are feeling this you have shifted yourself into a space that will allow you to go with the flow. There is no greater space to occupy than in the flow. Life moves like a freshly greased wheel, there is no resistance and all seems well. Feeling excited, positive, and full of anticipation keeps us always moving forward in a strong, positive and peaceful mindset.
We are raising our consciousness little by little everyday. We are rising up and glowing our light out into the world. For right now it is hard to see the changes taking place but one day soon all will become obvious for us to see. It will be more, probably, than we can even comprehend at first. How we think and feel is so important to facilitating this shift into our new reality. If we are fearful and doubtful, that energy and those feelings we put out are so strong they affect others around us. These energies speak loudly and encourage others to feel them as well. We don’t need this! If we are courageous and strong and lit up with excited anticipation others will follow that energy as well. We affect the world around us deeply by the frequencies we put off.
I personally cannot imagine not being excited and full of anticipation of what lies ahead. It is not just the shift I am referring to, I am speaking about life in general. If I did not feel the magic each day provides us with I can’t imagine wanting to get out of bed everyday. Life is so different when we live it from our heart and see the magic not the decay. We are well aware of the decay, but we choose to place our attention upon the brightness of each day and what each opportunity offers us. There is always choice, our choice, as to how we will look at life and interact with it. It is the greatest decision we will ever make in our lifetime!
It is time we really begin to understand and grasp how we all affect each other. Our words and actions shape how our own personal reality will be, but also taints or colors how somebody elses life will be in that moment. If you have dogs or cats spend some time watching their behavior. Usually we don’t spend time taking notice of such things, so do so now. Are they relaxed and happy, uptight and anxious, sad, mellow, hyper. Once you see their outward expression, look closely at yourself in that moment. Quite often our pets reflect our own moods. This will show you how you affect others around you. Pay attention.
Up until recently we have gone about our lives doing and being and saying whatever came to mind, both positive and negative. Now we know better! Is it any wonder that the world is in the condition it is in with all of us not watching what we were saying or thinking. Now that we are aware that our thoughts create our reality, we have no excuses for not being diligent now in watching closely what we say and do. It is equally as important for us to be aware of what others are projecting outward and if the feelings are negative and unloving then we must learn to set up boundaries and keep our distance lest we be sucked into their negative world as well! If we desire a loving and peaceful new world then it is up to us to clear our mind of negative thinking and fill it with excitement and optimism and of course love!
Blessings to you all,