One World Rising April 16, 2013
Music to read by below:
If only the world were as peaceful as this picture, but alas it is not at the present moment. It is challenging and harsh and unfair on so many levels. At times is it difficult to just function. As the world falters so do we and we must search within to find our balance and re-ground ourselves. As it is for you so it is with me. I am trying to keep this site going but it becomes at times challenging. It teaches me lessons daily that I need to take note of. It has become a part of me to write here everyday and offer whatever I have to offer to the people who read here. It has become a purpose and it is hard to imagine no longer writing here and yet it has become more of a struggle everyday. Not because I don’t love writing and helping people, those are my passions, but what to write about has become so hard to define. These times are so new and unknown, quite often it is hard for me to capture the present moment in words. I have not been able to figure out what words are needed just now and therein lies the struggle. I look at pictures and posts come to mind, but they seem to be part of what was rather than what is and so a new post does not come forth from me easily. It is something I never thought would happen as writing used to come so easily.
I do not desire to end my time here with you and this is what causes such internal struggle for me. Am I meant to say thank you and walk away quietly as what I was meant to do is now coming to a close, or am I meant to keep going? I fight with myself internally over what is going on in the world. Part of me says stay positive and be love and all the good spiritual practices I have done for years yet at the same time I am watching more and more laws being enacted that are stripping away our rights and causing the walls to close in around us and evil seems to abound. I am an activist at heart, it is very difficult to sit quietly by and watch my country being destroyed. Yes, there is much upheaval within and without on this journey we are all taking part in, no one is left untouched.
For now as I mentioned before, I will be in and out and not here 24/7 as before, unless of course, I manage to discover that new subject I am meant to tackle next. I know it is out there, I just haven’t as yet put my finger on it. Any ideas of what you want to hear? For now I feel driven to try to make changes in the world while we still have a world to save. The world needs us right now and I choose to be there for it. So stay focused on what matters, keep your heart open to the world, be at peace within but still please stay aware of the world around you and don’t ignore what is taking place. I will be here, there and everywhere, but I am not leaving for good, just being stretched in many directions. Please everyone, say prayers for Boston and for the world…
Blessings to us all,