Visionkeeper - Keep Moving Forward…

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One World Rising Posted on

Despite difficult times, it is so important to continue to move forward, but even more important branch out! It is essential that light workers stop singing to the choir and go out and inspire all those not yet initiated into the awakening of humanity. We must not try to persuade others to see our views, but rather engage others and inspire in them the desire to leave their security of the familiar behind and venture forth into searching their world for a clearer understanding of the truth and igniting their eagerness to know more! Persuasion creates a wall people put up from feeling pressured into something. Instead,we need to guide people to a place where they feel in control of what is being offered to them and that they are the ones reaching out longing to know more and are not being preached to. It is a fine line to walk but a very critical one to get right!

By doing this we are encouraging a system of thinking separate from the old paradigm. We must take this process to a much deeper level and understand how people think and why. There is an obvious reason we cannot seem to resolve our problems today. There are distinct ways of thinking that clash if they are forced upon one another, so we must learn to recognize the different modes of thinking and learn how to approach each one differently. By doing this we will pull people into this new way of thinking rather than putting them off and sending them running in the opposite direction. We must learn to realize the differences in people and learn how to communicate effectively with each one. There is no one size fits all in the human population and each must be dealt with differently.

Sounds like a lot of work I know. We fight and clash against one another basically because we don’t understand one another, we think everyone should see things as we do, think as we do. This misnomer is what is holding up this process of moving forward into the new world. You can’t create a new world if nobody can agree on how it should be. It is the searching for common ground we must spend more time perfecting. That common ground can only be reached by understanding how we all think and do things the way we do. That means finding the ability to respect each others views and work together towards a mutual place to land.

In the end, we are hopefully striving for intuitive thinking, being led by the much deeper guidance coming forth from our spiritually centered selves. The autopilot thinking born out of monotony and a desire to get ahead is being replaced with a new form of thinking that pertains to the good of all not to the good of self. It seems that this is the main purpose of the light workers at this time, to facilitate the bridging of the gap between the old way of thinking and the new and finding solutions that appeal to both. Inspiration has always been a powerful way to motivate people, so we must learn how to inspire and in doing so we excite others towards a new way of thinking and being.

In order to be inspiring one must be authentic and communicate directly from their heart. We must be willing and able to understand the different modes of thinkers. To do that we must look deeper into WHY they think the way they do, what motivates them to think as they do and to be able to accept that they think differently than we do, silencing our egos that demand others be like us, that judge others and even look down upon others. Along with learning to understand how others think we must work hard on dealing with this as well. If we can do this, then will we find mutual ways of creating the new world so it has a strong foundation and is able to survive the roughest of storms. I offer you a wonderful book to read called Igniting Inspiration by John Marshall Roberts. I think this is the piece to the puzzle we have been missing. Give it a go.  Inspire those around you!

Blessings to us all,

