One World Rising April 18, 2013
Music to read by below:
It is time to flood the planet with kindness. The sooner we outshine the darkness and evil, the sooner our new world will explode into full bloom. Kindness takes little energy to gift to others and can change the world around us forever. Wake up each day and tell yourself “Today I choose to be kind to others and to myself”. We are all on the journey together and if we are struggling, rest assured those around us most likely are as well. Reach out to others and make a difference in the world. What we give out comes back ten fold and sparks our heart with joy. These times are extremely challenging and each and every one of us desires to feel love and kindness and compassion. The very act of gifting them to others, opens our heart wide and lets our love flow forth making those around us feel better as well as making ourselves feel better. It seems to me the message of importance for these times we are living in would be that love is a win-win situation on all fronts.
Time to do away with the negative programming we have had smashed into our brains over our lifetime! It was all designed to destroy our power and convince us we were damaged and of little value. Nothing could be further from the truth! Forget all you have been told and taught. Toss it all out the window and plug into love and all of the goodness it brings to us and to the world. Ego is a thing of the past, a inhabitant of the old world, the ruler of darkness. We are moving beyond this craziness. Do not listen to your nagging voice within when it continually criticizes you, do not believe the lies it tells you. Reprogram yourself to shut it up and instead listen to new tapes play within your head. Loving tapes.
Humanity has endured a great deal of bad programming since the beginning of time, but over the last century it has been ramped up, non-stop brainwashing. We have suffered greatly from its influences and many have been ravished and scarred deeply within. This is the time to stop all judgement immediately. Judging others and sending forth criticism will never get us to the promised land. Reaching out and giving others support and a helping hand is what will shift the world in the right direction. We are all tending to our issues, all struggling to become better people, it is words of kindness and caring that will help us heal within, not ego driven ranting and accusations and judgement. Be kind to others and they will be kind to you. Next time you want to lash out, stop and think about your own life and realize we are all walking the same path, stumbling over the same rocks, headed in the same direction!
Blessings to us all,