One World Rising January 31, 2013
The light is now glowing about us everywhere we go, many are awake despite the fact it feels like they aren’t. We are so powerful now and it is time we wake up to that fact, accept it and begin to use our power to make change. Forever we have been kept from the knowledge that we are powerful beings and our minds are powerful creators. We are now learning these truths and in doing so it is up to us to bring our power to the light and use it!We have spent enough time preparing for this journey, now it is time to realize we made it, we are there and we are now living in a new world. The old ways are over as long as we allow them to go and move forward into this new dimension of being. We are free, we always have been, we just didn’t realize it yet. Now we know so now is the time for us to activate and become the beings we were meant to be!
No more thought must be given to the powers that were. Pay them no mind, don’t wonder about what they are doing, do not worry about what they are doing, do not talk about them, nothing! We must give all of our energy and thoughts now to our new world, what we can offer it, how we can help, what we can do. All of our thinking should be going to the creation of this new world from the bottom up. We all have something to bring to the table so figure out what that something is and go for it. We no longer have limits over our heads. We must do exactly what we desire to do, be exactly who we desire to be and do so with an open heart, an open mind and a willingness to go with the flow of the new world and drop the limits we have set upon ourselves for so long.
This is what being the light really means. Acting in accordance with the light, in a positive way, a creative way, doing all we can to help birth the new world into being. We do that by releasing the grasp the old paradigm may have on us and not allowing it to be a part of our lives any longer. The dark ones want us to think about them, worry about them, fear them, but NO MORE. It is time to be working with manifestation through our thoughts and intention, finding ways to begin living without the need of the old paradigm, finding ways of getting around the old ways to create a new path. Please take time to go up to the top of the blog and go into the Soul-utions page where we can begin an active dialog on ways we can create the new world, how we can help, where to start first etc.
This is what the new world is all about. It is time to come together and brainstorm our new world into being. We all have incredible ideas harbored away inside of us and now is the time to share them. For so long we have felt we were on hold and going nowhere. Well now we can move again and we must move forward again quickly and with deep intentions. We know what we must do now, so this is our next phase of the mission we are on. This is our time to blossom and do what we do best. Let’s meet in ‘sou-lutions’ and get busy discovering ways to build the new world.
Blessings to us all,