Visionkeeper - Living Our Dreams…

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One World Rising Posted on

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This is an excellent question we need to be asking ourselves! If we are not living our dreams, then we must ask yet another question. Why not? Of course a great deal of legitimate blame can be tossed at this oppressive Government that seems to be grabbing more of our rights day by day, but we need to include our own selves in that blame game. Many of us dream and think big about our lives, but that is where it remains, stuck inside our heads, which of course will do nothing for us unless they are released and acted upon. We can dream all we want but until we apply our intentions to the mix, those dreams remain dreams never to be realized. Our dreams call for us to step up and set things in motion. If we dream about something, we need to break it down into doable steps to help us achieve our dream. You can’t just dream and say I want more than anything to be a healer, no, you have to also apply the necessary steps you need to take to be trained to become a healer.  If it is money holding you back then your first mission is to find a way to secure the money you need and you will go forward from there.

I think one of the pitfalls about this new age thinking is that ‘we can manifest whatever we want and it will just appear without any work on our part’. Maybe that is coming, but for now I see working your way to where you want to be as still part of the picture. It requires us to believe first off that it is possible, we are possible, all things are possible, then placing our intentions on what we desire and making them happen. I am sure I will get feedback from ‘The Secret’ believers which is fine, it just never resonated with me. Perhaps because it was all centered around manifesting money and things! That to me was anything but spiritual and was so shallow and far away from the direction spiritual beings were headed. Life is not about money and material things! Life is about discovering deeper ways to live our lives connected to our hearts and being loving. That is where the true magic is.

So back to living our dreams. Are you living your dreams and if not why? We hold ourselves back from the lives we desire because of beliefs we have given power to. I am not good enough, I don’t have enough money, I’m not smart enough. We are all of that and more. How do we even know if those beliefs we hold are legitimate or if they are merely creations of our minds? What a shame if we are holding ourselves back because of beliefs that are not even true! The only way you will know is to go inside and do some deep thinking and ask yourself some serious questions. This is all part of the journey we have been on and if we don’t ask questions and if we don’t find answers, we are trying to navigate through life without a road map and with blindfolds on our eyes. We stumble and fall and get lost.

In order to live a fully complete life we have to know ourselves, know what we want, what is truth and what is lies etc. We have been systematically distracted from knowing ourselves by our life situations and it is now time to unplug from the mainstream and begin to walk our own path and live our own dreams regardless of what the dark ones are demanding. It takes not allowing fear to be a part of your life, it asks that you love unconditionally all that you come in contact with and that you know yourself well enough to know what to go after. It is all there for us if we make the decision to go after it and using our intentions and belief in it to get us there. The choice is ours as it always has been, we just need to realize that. Put away the fears and for once believe you can live that dream, stop thinking about it and just DO IT.

Blessings to us all,

