One World Rising February 18, 2013
Breathe deeply, lean back and send your love out into the universal consciousness. If we were all doing this, the force would be with us ten fold. Love has so much power to begin with, but if everyone were adding theirs it would be power unlike any we could have imagined. Slowly we are beginning to grasp this concept but we need to come together and set our intentions as a whole. It is time for all of humanity to coordinate and project their love wherever it is needed most. As hard as it is to say this, I would think sending it to Washington would be a good place to start. Their evil intentions are so vile they need to be neutralized with a healthy dose of love from the masses. I am sure it would overwhelm them and knock them off stride.
One of the greater powers we have regarding love and intention is our ability inspire. It is our own inspiration or the inspiration of others that puts our lives in motion and keeps propelling us forward. Inspiration is mind altering, heart stopping at times and just plain makes us feel good. It fills us up with everything we need to produce good things for the world. Couple that with love and intention and you have a winner I’d say. So why is inspiration so powerful on so many levels? Inspiration originates within the source of all that is. Our souls are ignited by it and nudge us along to embrace it because it knows it is best for us. We are gifted with a grand idea and if we flow with it we take a wild ride to wherever that inspirational thought takes us.
The challenge is to remain open to the inspiration and not allow fear to shut it down. For a long time now we have been beaten down and made less than by out controllers and so we have learned well to doubt ourselves, but we must disengage from that form of thinking. We are no longer dis-empowered, we are mighty and we have multiple abilities to do just about anything. In order to bring inspiration into reality we must believe in ourselves and house no doubts within. This is what we must keep working towards, convincing ourselves we have no limits and allowing ourselves to be swept up in the flow that source provides.
If we accept the challenge to live without limits and do whatever we do from a place of love we can be unstoppable! I suppose the dark ones know this already, it is we who must let this sink in and make it a natural part of being again. We have forgotten and we must continue to remind ourselves until we finally connect with it. If you think about it, it has been decades since we heard about people coming forth with inspirations to change the world. The great inventors have dried up it seems or if they are out there, main stream media will not speak about them. Our energy and excitement to produce magical things has been driven under and great minds seem to have been silenced. It is time to begin again to resurrect our great minds and begin once again creating for the betterment of humanity. Let us find the courage to be inspirational again, let us create the power of love.
Blessings to us all,