(Picture by www.favim.com)
I don’t know about any of you, but the energies around my world are flying fast. So fast in fact I find quite often that my balance is slightly off and my head spins at times. As we approach the end date I feel we need to pay close attention not only to what is going on around us, but to ourselves as well. A great deal will be going on and we need to be awake and aware on all levels. Everything is beginning to come unglued at the seams. The old paradigm is cracking and splitting and its energy is being sucked out and blown away. There is panic among the ranks that they are loosing their grip on our control and indeed they are. It is time for us to take advantage of these cracks to weasel our way within and do some recruiting over to the light.
The energies are shifting quickly now. People are thinking similar thoughts at the same time all around the world, we are clearly tapped into the universal consciousness now. This is the main reason it is so important for us to keep our thoughts out of fear and centered on love and light. If we want a loving world with higher consciousness then let us go into this time frame with those thoughts firmly implanted in our minds. Remember that our thoughts create our reality! I see now why fear was such a factor for the dark ones. Not just for control over us, but if we were fearful going into this cosmic moment we would be creating more of the same. They are so clever, but so are we! To gain maximum benefits from this experience we must remain in our highest states of consciousness possible and remain free of fear!
We have 28 days left according to the calendar on this site. Time has flown by like the house in the picture. Where has it gone? I so want to tell you to not have high expectations as doing so leaves one open to a downfall if what we are expecting does not come forth. I do not expect any major noticeable changes happening and many will not feel any different. I suspect the changes will be subtle to most, obvious to those tuned in. Right now changes are happening everyday but most do not notice because they are not earth shattering. We have been conditioned to not notice life go by, to not be aware of things, so for many this will continue. If we tune in more, pay closer attention to life going by we will be able to see the changes more clearly and we will not be so impatient.
We are fast approaching 2012′s bewitching hour and it will be interesting to see what transpires. I am going to continue on and work hard to stay in my heart center and share my love with all those I encounter on this journey. I suggest you all do the same. No matter what, I know we can all feel the energies swirling about and sweeping us away. It would be hard not to! Keep at it my warriors and all will be well. We are quickly morphing into new beings and most don’t even realize it. The shift is happening most definitely, but remember, what occurs is up to us and what we are intending to create with our thoughts. Think love, think grand, think peace and most of all think freedom!
Blessings to us all,
Blessings to you all,