Source: Volcano Discovery - 12/3/12, by Volcano Bulletin
Paluweh volcano (archive photo)
On 1 November, the MODVOLC stated that thermal anomalies detected at Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka indicated that the lava flows were now 15 km long. The data also indicated that the activity is now concentrated on the southern part of the fissure.
A VolcanoDiscovery tour to Paluweh volcano, Indonesia from 30 November – 2 December revealed that a new lava dome is growing next to the old 1982 dome. At the time of visit the lava dome was 150 m high and is the new high point of the island, its basal diameter is estimated at around 200 – 250 m. The dome was very active, with incandescence taking place in many different places on the lava dome. A vent on the upper eastern part of the dome had periods of intense ash venting lasting several hours accompanied by a jet turbine like noises. No large pyroclastic flows have occurred from the dome. The lava dome was named "Rerombola", meaning "the friendly one" in local dialect.
A newspaper noted that on 1 December, Lokon-Empung, Indonesia produced an ash plume between 1 km or 2 km high at around 16:11 (local time). Ash emissions were continuing at 17:00 (local time). On 2 December, Lokon-Empung was producing a constant emission of ash, punctuated by explosions.
The Darwin VAAC reported that on 1 December, Langila (Papua New Guinea) emitted an ash plume to a height of 1.5 km. A MSAT-MODIS satellite image taken on 2 December showed a small ash plume drifting to the NW. A low thermal anomaly was also detected.
The SVERT reported on 2 December that from 26 - 28 November, thermal anomalies were detected at Chirpoi volcano (Kuril Islands). Cloud's prevented observations on other day's.
The INSIVUMEH reported on 2 December that 8 explosions from Fuego volcano, Guatemala ejected light grey material to heights up to 4.1 KM above sea level. A lava flow continues to effuse from the summit crater.
The INSIVUMEH reported that on 2 December, Santa Maria's Santiaguito lava dome complex (Guatemala) remained very active with the constant genaration of avalanches from the SW dome complex.
The AVO reported that on 1 December, satellite images showed a minor thermal signal at Cleveland volcano.
The IG reported on 1 December that ash ejections from the new lava dome in Reventador volcano's (Ecuador) intracaldera cone were weak. Ash ejections were a few hundred metres high, no large blocks were emitted during these explosions.
The HVO reported that lava from Kilauea volcano, Hawaii reached the sea again at around 9:30 (local time) on 2 December.