Volcanic activity world-wide 17-18 January 2013

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/18/13, By T


Bright strombolian eruption at Etna's SE crater in June 2001.
(Photo: Tom Pfeiffer).


Etna (Italy): Another brief, but probably strong eruptive phase - a small paroxysm - occurred on the evening of 16 Jan at Bocca Nuova.

Stromboli (Italy): Activity has been lower today and yesterday. No new lava overflow was seen. Both tremor and explosion intensity have decreased compared to during the past week.

Kilauea (Hawai'i): Lava flows continue entering the ocean since November 2012 in multiple points, due to increased pressure on the volcano which is also causing other lava breakouts on the coast and the lava lakes within Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō & Halema‘uma‘u craters to rise and potentially spill over.

Medvezhia (Kurile Islands, Russia): A thermal anomaly was detected over Kudriavy, a stratovolcano of the Medvezhia volcanic complex, on 11 January. Strong steam-and-gas plumes were also observed, SVERT reported.

Tolbachik (Kamchatka, Russia): KVERT reports continued elevated levels of volcanic tremor and active lava flows from the southern fissure.

No significant changes were reported about activity of the volcanoes in Northern, Central and Southern America. Earthquake-report.com summarizes it as follows:

Alaska: Occasional local earthquakes have continued at Mount Spurr, Iliamna, Four-peaked, Akutan and Makushin volcanoes in Alaska during the past week.

California: A swarm of small earthquakes (less than mag 1) continues beneath Mammoth Mountain volcano (CA). A short-lived swarm of larger earthquakes (M2-M3) occurred last week at the southern base of Mount Konocti volcano (Clear Lake Volcanic Field) during 8-10 January 2013. While swarm activity is continuous to the south (beneath the Geysers geothermal production area), such activity is infrequent beneath the volcanic field.

Mexico: Popocatepetl continues to produce small emissions of steam and sometimes ash at a rate of about 1-2 per hour, while Colima remains restless and could produce more explosions any time.

Nicaragua and El Salvador: Numerous volcanic earthquakes with occasional tremor pulses occur at San Cristobal volcano in Nicaragua. Volcanic tremor remains slightly elevated at Masaya volcano, and amplitudes, but not numbers, of volcanic earthquakes have declined at Concepcion volcano.
El Both local and regional earthquake activity punctuates continuous low-level volcanic tremor at San Miguel volcano in El Salvador.

Guatemala: Pacaya remains quiet with less steaming yesterday. Fuego has mild, infrequent explosive activity and continues to feed a small lava flow on the upper SW flank. Santiaguito lava dome has no or little explosions, but continues to feed thick lava flows descending on its flanks and generating rock avalanches.

Colombia: Numerous small earthquakes continue under the Colombian volcanoes Nevado Del Ruiz, Machin and Galeras.

Ecuador: Vigorous volcanic seismicity accompanies strong degassing at Reventador volcano in Ecuador, while Tungurahua has remained calm.

Chile/Argentina: Volcanic seismicity remains high at Copahue volcano at the Chile-Argentina border with over 1000 events recorded during 17 Jan.
