Volcanic activity worldwide 6 Sep 2013: Ubinas, Sakurajima, Rabaul (Tavurvur), Pacaya, Fuego, Karyms...

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Volcano Discovery-Sept 6,2013

Etna (Sicily, Italy): Since a few days ago, the New SE crater has been producing weak ash emissions occasionally. Whether this is the precursor to more vigorous activity and when this will occur, is difficult to say at the moment, but it is a sign that the volcano is waking up from the slumber it has been in during the past 4 months.

Gorely (Southern Kamchatka): No significant changes have occurred over the past weeks. KEVRT continues to record moderate seismic activity caused by degassing and internal fluid movements.

Kliuchevskoi (Kamchatka): The lava flow on the WSW upper flank continues to be active and can be seen on webcam images. Strong seismic activity reported by KVERT.

Kizimen (Kamchatka): The volcano continues to extrude a viscous lava flow from the summit vent, producing hot avalanches on the western and eastern flanks and strong degassing. KVERT reports moderate seismic activity.

Karymsky (Kamchatka): According to KVERT, weak ash explosions probably continue to occur from time to time. Seismic activity is moderate.

Shiveluch (Kamchatka): KVERT reports no changes in activity, which is currently relatively low. Accompanied by moderate seismic activity, a viscous lava dome continues to grow and produces small incandescent rockfalls and occasional ash emissions such as on the attached webcam picture this morning. Glow can be seen at night.

Tolbachik (Kamchatka): The eruption is probably ending. KVERT reported only weak seismicity and incandescence, accompanied by moderate steaming/degassing, and a small remaining thermal anomaly on satellite data.

Bezymianny (Central Kamchatka Depression): Weak effusive activity continues, evidenced by steaming/degassing and a thermal anomaly at the lava dome visible on satellite data. KVERT has no seismic data, because the ongoing eruption at nearby Klyuchevskoy obscures the seismic activity from Bezymianny.

Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): Elevated activity continues at the volcano which produces frequent and relatively strong vulcanian explosions and ash emissions. This morning, an explosion produced an ash plume rising to 15,000 ft (4.5 km) altitude, visible in the following video starting 07:18 UTC:

Read More: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcano-activity/news/36938/Volcanic-activity-worldwide-6-Sep-2013-Ubinas-Sakurajima-Rabaul-Tavurvur-Pacaya-Fuego-Karyms.html

