Volcanic activity worldwide 8 Apr 2013: Stromboli, Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Colima...

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Volcano Discovery Monday Apr 08, 2013 17:42 PM |

Seismic signal from Stromboli (ST8 station, INGV)

Seismic signal from Stromboli (ST8 station, INGV)

Current seismic recording from Colima volcano  (Soma station, Univ. Colima)

Current seismic recording from Colima volcano (Soma station, Univ. Colima)


Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): No significant changes have occurred recently. The seismic signal shows medium tremor levels with phases of medium to high values, and there are frequent (about 10 per hour), sometimes quite powerful strombolian explosions from the various active vents. Small amounts of lava sometimes overspill from the NE vent.

Tjörnes Fracture Zone (North of Iceland): The seismic swarm continues with a decreasing trend. "Only" 65 earthquakes have been counted so far today, the largest being a 3.3 event 14 km NE of Grímsey this morning.

El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain): After being almost completely calm for several days, earthquake activity has again picked up during the past 48 hours (and is showing an increasing trend), but the intensity and frequency of quakes is (so far) nothing compared to the latest swarm two weeks ago. The largest event so far was a mag 3.0 quake 15 km west of the island, at 13 km depth.
Inflation has halted and now shows a weak trend to deflation.

Tolbachik (Kamchatka): The eruption continues with no changes, but a weak decreasing trend in tremor levels is visible.
KVERT reports no significant changes in the seismic and eruptive activity at the other 4 currently active Kamchatkan volcanoes: Sheveluch and Kizimen (lava dome building with occasional explosive/collapse events – moderate seismicity), Bezymianny (lava flow/dome extrusion – weak seismicity difficult to distinguish because of the strong signal from Tolbachik), Karymsky (occasional strombolian/vulcanian explosions - no seismic information due to technical problems), Gorely (strong degassing and hydrothermal activity, moderate seismicity).

Lokon-Empung (North Sulawesi, Indonesia): Another explosion occurred this morning just before 10:00 (local time, 02am GMT). A relatively large ash plume rose about 3 km above the crater to an altitude of 15,000 ft (4.5 km) and drifted SW. The eruption was heard up to 6 km away.
The eruption was preceded by a strong increase in seismicity the volcano observatory recorded. After the main eruption, the volcano continued to produce ash venting.

Yasur (Tanna Island, Vanuatu): An increase in explosive activity has been noted since 2 April. Bombs have been ejected to the parking area below the summit cone, and the activity status (on a scale of 1-4) was raised from 1 to 2. If activity remains elevated, it will probably be further raised to 3 in the near future.

Colima (Western Mexico): The lava dome continues to grow more or less steadily and produce small explosions. Collapse of parts of the accumulating lava at the dome causes occasional pyroclastic flows (such as late on 6 April) and glowing rockfalls on the flank. Today, it has been comparably calm, though.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): The volcano has been comparably calm during the past days. CENAPRED reports an average of about 1 steam-gas-sometimes ash emissions per hour.

Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): Activity has remained weak with infrequent, mostly small explosions from the dome, and no or little movement at the lava flows from the Caliente dome.

Pacaya (Guatemala): Weak strombolian activity continues. The seismic shows a mix of surface events (explosions) and small earthquakes ad weak tremor pulses related to fluid movements inside the volcano.

Fuego (Guatemala): Activity remains unchanged. Infrequent weak to moderate strombolian explosions (about 5-10 per day) generate ash plumes up to 1 km above the crater, causing small avalanches and light ash fall in nearby areas.

Telica (Nicaragua): Seismicity remains strong. Still there are no reports by INETER, which probably means that they do not think that an eruption could be near.


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