Volcanoes Today, 23 Apr 2013: Stromboli, Popocatépetl, Batu Tara, Telica, Nevado del Ruiz, Miyake-shima, San Cristobal, Masaya

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Volcano Discovery Tuesday Apr 23, 2013 13:03 PM

Thermal webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)

Thermal webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)

Depth vs time of the recent earthquakes west of Miyake island

Depth vs time of the recent earthquakes west of Miyake island




Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): The small lava flow issuing from the breached NE crater continues, but has not progressed much. Frequent glowing rockfalls descend the Sciara del Fuoco.

Miyake-shima (Izu Islands): The earthquake swarm that started on 17 April and included a magnitude 5.6 quake has been decreasing and remained at the same depths at around 10-15 km just west off the island.
This suggests that no magmatic intrusions have formed at shallower depths (so far) and the scenario of a (submarine) eruption is less likely.

Batu Tara (Sunda Islands, Indonesia): A stronger strombolian explosion produced an ash plume rising to 5,000 ft / 1.5 km this morning, which drifted 15 nautical miles to the NW (VAAC Darwin).

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Activity continues with no significant changes: weak emissions of steam/gas/ash occur at rates of approx. once per hour, and glow at night shows that magma continues to arrive slowly in the summit crater.


Telica (Nicaragua): Numerous small volcanic earthquakes continue at high frequency at the volcano, accompanied by continuous tremor.

San Cristobal (Nicaragua): Numerous small volcanic earthquakes have merged into weak continuous volcanic tremor.

Masaya (Nicaragua): Seismic activity has generally remained low and near normal levels at the volcano over the past weeks.

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): The frequency and size of earthquakes has diminished, but is still above normal levels, and suggests that the intrusion of fresh magma is not yet over. A volcanic-tectonic earthquake of magnitude 2.9 occurred this morning at a depth of 7.24 km NW of the Arenas crater.
The other Colombian volcanoes have not shown significant variations in activity: Weak seismic unrest continues at Machin, Cumbal and Sotara volcanoes with no surface activity. Nevado del Huila has remained in a degassing state with average low seismicity during the past weeks, while Galeras volcano produces occasional steam and ash emissions.


To read the rest of this story visit Volcano Discovery
