Volcanoes Today, 25 Feb 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity

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Volcano Discover Monday Feb 25, 2013 09:27 AM

Current seismic signal from White Island (GeoNet)

Current seismic signal from White Island (GeoNet)


White Island (New Zealand): Strong continuous volcanic tremor has returned and is now higher than ever, mixed with earthquakes. No unusual activity is visible at the surface.

Sangay (Ecuador): VAAC Washington reports pilot observations of ash emissions to 25,000 ft (7.5 km) altitude on 22 February. Since the volcano is very remote and one of Ecuador's most active, it is fair to assume that it might be in a state of elevated activity.

Heard (Australia, Southern Indian Ocean): A MODIS hot spot was visible yesterday at the summit of the volcano, despite the usual dense cloud cover. This indicates that some sort of activity likely continues.


To read the rest of this story visit Volcano Discovery
