Wake up Call: Hatonn, August 04, 2015

AdiGaia's picture

I am here today to give you an insight as to what will be coming in the coming months. It is about to break loose and it will hit the fans in a few days. It is going to be so fantastic that some of you won't believe it.


As I say these things I realize that it could confuse some of you. It could be that there will be those who will not be able to comprehend, much less see the changes that are already in place and will be exposed. It is a matter of many of you seeing these changes because you have not only been a part of their creation, but also a part of the ones who will be incorporating them into your life's mission.


I am Hatonn, and I come once more through this one, because we will be working together in the times to come. It will be a reunion of sorts, and in that it will be a re-enactment of that which we have already done on another parallel. That parallel is designed to meld into this one once enough people are able to see the promise that it holds for them.

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