Wanting To Believe

will's picture

The desire to believe is the enemy of the truth-seeker. A person who really wants to believe something will reject what doesn't feed into their beliefs and automatically accept what does conform to their beliefs. It's a recipe for ignorance more than anything and retards one's personal evolution. The fastest advancement occurs when one actively lets go of everything they believe. In fact, the Truth of Now can be observed directly when one can let go of beliefs entirely and simply see what Is.

There's almost always stories going around Lightworker communities that are little more than rumors, misunderstandings, and flat out propaganda, yet they're accepted without question by huge numbers of people. They're not only accepted, but aggressively defended by those with an emotional attachment to these stories. This inevitably creates conflict, division, and often some very negative accusations. People are called shills and plants for not believing, which creates a rather hostile environment. If people are willing to turn against each other over stuff like that, there's no need to plant shills in the community. The witch-hunt over finding the shills can do even more damage to the community than an actual shill.

Now, nobody wants to see people argue over beliefs all day long, so to create some semblance of peace in Lightworker communities many people promoted this idea that we need to respect what people believe. This is a very bad idea, imagine what would have happened if Martin Luther King had "respected" people's racist beliefs? I recommend respecting every single person (and plant, animal and rock for that matter) but you don't have to respect what a person believes. I'm not even really sure how one goes about respecting a belief, usually that means not saying anything to threaten that belief, which is quite different than actual respect. To me, the deepest respect is telling someone openly and directly how you feel, though you can be gentle about how you tell them if it's something that may spark a negative reaction.

Trying to create a community where nobody's disjointed beliefs are threatened creates an environment where people are walking on eggshells and hesitant to say how they really feel about something. It's a fake peace, but one the ego loves because it isn't threatened. The conflict is still there though, it may not always be on the surface but it usually becomes very apparent when people try to work together.

How do we resolve these issues? Well, the first thing an individual can do is work on their own behavior. It's one of the tricks of the ego to take offense, then blame someone else for the way you're feeling. Instead, take personal responsibility for everything you feel, and then you'll have the power to change it. Otherwise, you're giving other people control over your emotions. Give up the desire to believe, and the need for your beliefs to be "right". The Universe is so much bigger than the beliefs about it in the mind, if you're relying on beliefs to try and understand, you're really missing out on the Present Moment. Your intuition, those subtle feelings you get from your Higher Self, will help show you how to experience Reality directly, instead of through the filter of beliefs.


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Thank you for writing this. I

lynmarie8's picture

Thank you for writing this. I have been saying this and beating it to a pulp since last fall. Everything we don't like is our own belief's, pattern's and programs. I say own them and get rid of them and move on, they are all illusion, it is all our shadow side. It is being reflected so we can change it and move  forward. do not make it your reality of Now or you will keep repeating the past and mistakes.


