We’ve Entered a Timeframe of Incredible Intensity

Lia's picture

Posted by Wes Annac

001smallNote: As a few others have expressed, I must offer my apologies if I don’t seem to be around much during this intense timeframe. As outlined in this message, I am already feeling the powerful effects of this alignment and may simply require some time to absorb these energies. Many thanks for your understanding!

Steve Beckow has been writing about the rapid surfacing and releasing of what can be termed “vasanas” or reaction patterns garnered and employed in everyday Life that are driven from former traumas we’ve experienced that instilled such patterns within us. (1)

Many people are looking toward the 21st for the powerful energy we are to experience and as a lot of people have also reported, I am feeling the onslaught of effects in my personal Life from this powerful timeframe we have entered.

Things are being shaken up to the extreme, and former pains still held within are coming to the surface rapidly for the proper acknowledgment and release required. I spent the better part of today [December 16th] in sort of a haze or slump; all I could feel was an energy of calm permeated with an apparent inner-sadness that needed to be surfaced.

As I and many others  have pointed out before and as has likely been apparent with my recent writings, our ascension process seems to play-out in the form of unparalleled joy followed by a sadness-accompanied surfacing process of any latent reaction patterns or personal limitations we still have locked away within us that we of course, cannot take with us.

I am looking toward and anticipating the coming date and am embracing the timeline of this date we now find ourselves within because despite any predictions, any expectations or anything else employed toward this date, it is important to remember that it is and will be very powerful and I personally [as well as many of you] am already feeling the shake-ups in my Life accompanying what we can now recognize as preparation for a further expansion and understanding within ourselves.

As I write this, I have spent most of my time on this day simply immersed within formerly-hidden parts of myself who I can now look upon and thank for the lessons they have garnered me. Any “vasana” and any accompanying pains and fears I have within are being exposed blatantly and boldly to me, so that I can be reminded of the work I still have to do and of the fact that it is to be done in a much more rapid fashion than would normally be expected.

This alignment will be and already is very strong and if our world does not happen to see instant effects from the power-blast of higher dimensional energy we will receive; I have a strong feeling that this alignment will still have played a big part in the Lives of all of us. If for no other reason, than at least for the fact that this date and the mysticism and mystery surrounding it inspired us all to dream a dream bigger than the majority of humanity would accept.

We have dared to dream of a future not based in sadness, separation and destruction, but based in the underlying principles that we are beginning to see work much better for us than the old paradigm that has been employed. We have dared to believe in a much better, more workable and harmonious future than the majority would choose to believe can even be possible.

Many of us have aimed our very perceptions toward this date for some time and poured our personal vibrations into the manifestation of a wonderful future wherein suffering or pain of any kind is a thing of the past. We have strived to see past the constant onslaught of negativity that can seem to be continually shoveled our way in various different forms, and we have ignored the voices that preached destruction, hatred and separation.

We have all looked toward a better paradigm and dared to boldly and loudly proclaim:

This is not only possible – this is happening right now.

We have embraced the underlying principles of Living a good, thankful Life and respecting oneself and all others and even if a certain date does not garner the results looked-toward in the time wished for along an ascension process that has proven itself to me to be quite real; I am not going to let it faze me one bit because I have personally become a happier person during my awakening process.

I have learned and am still learning so much about Life and the changeability of the situations you may find around you in this current moment, and I am realizing and discovering the falsehoods that I and so many others previously accepted as normal.

Even as my process garners depletion and difficult yet necessary surfacing within me, I have to say that I am overjoyed to be a part of this wonderful movement and whether it is from this Earth or another world, I will look back upon the experiences I had during this time and feel nothing but sheer appreciation.

I will be happy to have been a part of a paradigm embracing Love and respect toward all, and I will experience continual benefits by employing such a mindset in myself, no matter where our paths take us.

I believe that this alignment is valiantly building-upon the foundation of emotional and energetic change that the 12-12 helped us to lay, and I think that our patience and acceptance of the temporary surroundings around us is required at this time. I must express that staying centered and viewing everything from an open and willing, yet understandably-detached perspective is absolutely vital.

If you find yourselves sinking under the proverbial emotional waters of this alignment, your journey could get a bit rough but I can’t express enough that you will find your way out of the lower emotions and feelings.

If you are feeling down or low at this time, know that it will pass in the proper way and for many of us, this passing will include a necessary surfacing of any latent density or pain still held within us. If we can understand and remember the importance of our role on this world at this time, we will not only make it through this alignment but we could possibly experience some of the wonderful and expanding benefits that some are already reporting.

Personally, my astral realms are continuing in the refining process I’ve mentioned in previous writings. It seems that with nearly every intention, my ability to perceive of such realms in the proper depth is increasing. Even today, while being in quite a shallow meditation [in an attempt to get away from depletion and sadness] I found myself perceiving of a wonderful spot on the beautiful river near my home, in a clear and real manner similar to a lucid dream. It was quite amazing!

And as always, the anchoring of Love continues to grow in strength and while this may not be pertinent to where you are at along your personal process, I should say that getting out of the house helped me to exit my personal “funk” and begin the necessary balancing and surfacing process from a proper point of view.

I could keep writing for quite a while because the energy feels quite strong on this night, but will wrap this up reminding you that we have entered a timeframe of incredible intensity. This is being reflected on the world stage as the worst of humanities vibrations are surfacing and as tragedies tug at our hearts and remind us further of the importance of coming together and building a new paradigm based not in violence, but Love and personal respect for the sanctity of every human being.

We are building this new paradigm; one encouraging, happy and uplifting thought at a time.

Wes Annac – Wishing you Love and ease during these intense times.



(1)- See the links provided below.

The Truth Emerges and the Tears Begin

Overcoming Resistance to the Physical Ascension Process

General Principles of Working with Our Resistance Patterns during Ascension

Our Vasanas will not Prohibit Ascension; They’ll Simply Make the Ride Bumpier than Otherwise



Dearest Wes

Earthchic's picture

Your words are in total alignment with what I AM feeling at this time!

Thank you SO much for your very practical and hopeful take on that which is taking place right now!

I hear from others that I am making TOO much of what I read and that I should be careful of placing too much importance on that which people who are older than me have been waiting for and have been let down on before.
I feel for these individuals, that they have been hoping and waiting for many years for that which is now coming to fruition! They have been waiting for so long and been through disappointment many times because they have "jumped the gun" so to speak. There have been those who have told ALL of us that things would happen long before now and have left people feeling let down

But, I can truly say to everyone that in the past 6 months, I have been FEELING changes taking place in myself......not only when I go WITHIN, but also in the form of HUGE physical changes that I cannot explain in any other way other than that they are ASCENSION symptoms!

Still, no matter how much longer it takes for the rest of humanity to undergo these changes, and even if it takes YEARS.....I AM so very grateful for what I know to be something AMAZING and TRUE!

I would love to share more and could go on and on, but must stop here for now.

THANK YOU again to SaLuSa and to Mike! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!