We are Moving Into the Stargate Everyone! Enjoy The Ride!

glr_Andrea's picture


Pubblicato in data 02/dic/2012 da GalacticCentral

Greetings Love Beings, We have just gone through a Powerful Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Gemini! This energy released is now Preparing everyone for Our Most Intense Portal Yet, the 12~12~12! We are less then 2 weeks away from this event and much will be taking place in preparation. All 12 Chakras will be lining up and connecting through this portal to prepare for the Intense downloads of Light[information] to Arrive, these are Preparing the Consciousness for 5d Reality which is Love Everywhere Present. Also, on This Day MotherEarth=Heart will Ascend completely into these Energies and Energetically Create an opening or passageway for Everyone for the 12~21~12 Galactic Alignment and the Birth of the New Paradigm. We are Moving Into the Stargate Everyone! Enjoy The Ride!

to read the full Message:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-updatew...




Guy's picture

Thank you for all you do,the message felt very good to me ,


GemConscious's picture

That was very nice.