We Are One, in Body, in Conciousness, and in Spirit: by Caroline K.A.

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We Are One, in Body, in Conciousness, and in Spirit:  by Caroline K.A.

May 8, 2013 by Starlight

994435by Caroline K.A.

Dear hearts, we have many messages for all souls in the coming days ahead for there are wondrous, and eventful happenings taking place in all realms of reality at this time.

We come to you in joy and peace, with enthusiasm, and delight as we witness each day, your advancement and spiritual growth, as each of you proceed ahead at the your rightful pace while constantly moving ever closer to your divine remembrance, and awakening.

We have been reunited in love, and truth, and we are much closer to you now than ever before.  This is so because many of you, and as a collective we say this, are accepting the truth of our existence, and a great many of you no longer find the ”necessity” to hide your thoughts, and feelings regarding the truth of our existence from others.  Your authenticity is expanding, just as your heart consciousness is expanding, and the real you is finally coming to light.

This has been yet another illusion which has kept you trapped, and in turn it has hindered you from embracing your authentic self.   Your fears and worries at being called “crazy” or “out of sorts” kept you within the fear zone, when in actuality, you would be quite surprised as to how many of those you thought would laugh, or ridicule you for your beliefs, in turn, felt the same way as you did, although they too, were fearful to acknowledge their truth, and embrace their own authenticity.

The truth is steadily exposing itself on a much grander scale each and every day.  This truth we speak of also refers to your growing awareness of loving guides, and angels who surround you at all moments, awake or asleep, as many of you are regularly communicating with them, and feeling their presence.  Trust with all your hearts, they are indeed with you on your travels down the long, and winding road of spiritual enlightenment and learning.

We are one, in body, in consciousness, and in spirit finally reunited in loving partnership, and in truth.

You are remembering the enormity of this truth, as love swells within your hearts, and throughout your entire being.  The energy swirls from every direction, and into every soul upon your beloved planet, Gaia.

There are those who have not yet chosen to awaken, and who chose to remain immersed within the illusion.  One day they too will awaken, but in their own good time.  All will be cared for according to what is appropriate for their greatest good, and for their proper alignment along their spiritual paths of evolution and enlightenment.

We say to you, be good to yourselves.  There will be a period of calm within these next few days, but rest assured, you will continue on as ascension continues on as well.  There is still much work to do, and we suggest you ready yourselves with plenty of rest, and proper nutrition for what lies ahead. Ascension dear ones, is a done deal, there is no turning back, and this many of you are well aware of. We ask at this point in your ascension process, would you have it any other way?

At this time we strongly urge all souls to take cherished moments of quiet and calm when you feel called to do so.  Go within, reflect on what you have learned, and experienced.  See within your hearts how you have grown, and evolved for as we see it, there is much to celebrate!  You are exactly where you should be at this time.  Continue to delve deep within, as you explore what needs to be released for this is of the utmost importance.

We ask that you rest, fill your hearts with love, and joy for this is truly who you are.  Embodying this truth with all your hearts and with every fiber of your being.

We are the Guardians of Light.   Unconditional love fills our hearts for each, and every one of you.  Go in peace dear ones, we shall speak again soon.

