We cannot do this Without YOU!

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, We have a Special Request as we are currently 2400$ from our funding Goal for this Month and we have about 18 days left.  We have over 5500 Members Now here and over 4000 Now recieve our daily Newsletter. We are In Service Uncondtionally and In Complete Service but we cannot be here without your support. The cost of the site alone each month is a big chuck of our costs. We cannot do this without You. Thank You for sharing a simple $5 or10$ Donation In Support of Our 24 hour work in dedication to the Truth and The Divine Plan Manifesting NOW.

If Everyone shares a little we all have enough!

Thank You for Honoring us and Keeping us Up and running!


Change is in the Air Everyone, We will Have to see how it all unfolds! We are with You!

Love The Earth Allies




Ra-Raela's picture

I think if you had an alternative in addition to PayPal, you could get more donations. Not everyone has or wants to have PayPal. Perhaps a non-profit account to donate to might encourage those who are reticent about PayPal to donate. Just a suggestion. 

We do have an address Love

Lia's picture

To get Our Address, you can email us at MotherGod1111111@gmail.com  This is our only other alternate. Surprisingly enough. Since we announced this no one has even shared a penny. Thats very sad. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

We do have an address

Ra-Raela's picture

E-mail is on its way. If everyone contributed one dollar, you'd have more than enough money to run things. How about it everyone. Can you spare one dollar out of your budged?

We all benefit from this site. Time to give back!


astreia's picture

I sincerely hope that you received MY check! If it doesn't get there, please let me know and I will write you another!

Love, Astreia