Link to Today's Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings, We have exciting Movement for the Light Unfolding Currently! As a Result of a Series of flares from The Sun! Activations through this energy have been activated for those who are ready to Move into 5d Reality. If You are Present and in the Moment of Now, Anticipate exciting Synchronistic events to begin unfolding quickly, which will be guiding you to Your destiny's! Here WE GO!
Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message, Returning to Balanced Harmonics" ....There are Portals and Grid Lines All Over this Planet Set Up Just for This Purpose, those Places know what they are and they have already been Setting Up So To Speak. This has been occurring for over 50 years in preparation.This is How We achieve Planetary Balanced Harmonics. This is the Cosmic Unity Wave of Energy, Called Unity Consciousness. Through This Balanced Energy of Harmony and Peace, all illusion dissolves. This is an Inevitable Event, is Everyone Ready?..."
~You Cannot have what you want, but you may experience whatever you have. The Very Act of wanting something pushes it away from you. Jesus had Such Clarity, and Always Thanked In Advance, before ever Miracle. It Never Occurred for Him not to Be Grateful.~
We are Supported by all of You so we can be in 24 hour service to this very Divine Mission! Which is Planetary awakening into All Love IS, Thank You for sharing and Honoring our Service if You can!
Join the Elohim this Evening Live in the 5D Room, They Could have a Message for You!
See You There Live Beginning at 6pm Pacific at this Link: TRUE Family and High Vibrations