~ We Prepare for June's Intensity~ Asteroid Fly By

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Today We prepare to Enter June's Energetic Intensity. We will begin June Entering A Solar Wind Stream and with a  Huge and Unique Coronal Hole Which is facing Earth. Also, today we will Be Energetically affected by A Passing Asteroid activating more DNA. These will be the encodings for the next facet of he divine Plan and divine intervention. YES, June will be Intense and We will have a Build up of Energy as We make our Way to the Solstice. Good Times Everyone! Enjoy The Ride. You can Join us On the Higher Grid Today for Flying With Father God Beginning at 2:00pm Pacific Today and Friday Family Movie Night Beginning at 4:00pm Pacific. You can Join us Beginning at 2:00pm Pacific At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress   See You There, Love The Earth Allies

People of The Love


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Marijuana May Help Protect, Heal The Brain


redorbit.com - 5/30/13, Michael Harper



A new study from Tel Aviv University has found that THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana, can protect the brain from cognitive damage, especially following injury. Medical marijuana has been found to be beneficial in treating pain, insomnia and lack of appetite, but this study has found that THC also helps the brain protect itself before and after an injury.

Professor Yosef Sarne at Tel Aviv University’s Adelson Center for the Biology of Addictive Diseases at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine discovered this as he was performing experiments to discover the biological makeup of marijuana and tested his hypothesis on lab mice. His results are published in the journals Behavioural Brain Research and Experimental Brain Research.


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GMO lose Europe – victory for environmental organizations


Investigative Reporting Denmark, By: Nils Mulvad, 05/29/2013

Monsanto will halt production of genetically modified corn in all of Europe, except Spain, Portugal and Czech republic. The agribusiness multinational states not to spend any more money on trials, development, marketing, court cases or anything else to get GM corn accepted in Europe.


”In Europe Monsanto only sells GM corn in three countries. GM corn represents less than 1% of the EU’s corn cultivation by land area. Field trials are only in progress in three countries. We will not spend any more money to convince people to plant them,” states Brandon Mitchener, Public Affairs Lead for Monsanto in Europe and Middle East, in an interview with Investigative Reporting Denmark.


For more on this story visit www.ir-d.dk


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Japan cancels U.S. wheat order on GMO fear: report


Marketwatch, By: Sara Sjolin, 05/30/2013

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Japanese authorities have canceled a tender offer to buy wheat from the U.S., after unapproved genetically modified wheat was found in an Oregon field, Reuters reported on Thursday. Other major wheat importers South Korea, China and the Philippines also said they were monitoring the situation, after the find stirred concerns that the modified wheat could have made it to the marketplace, the report said.


For more on this story visit www.marketwatch.com


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Monsanto website downed as Anonymous claims hack


RT.com, 05/30/2013


Hackers from the Anonymous collective claimed to have infiltrated the website for the biotech giant Monsanto, which has been the subject of recent international protests.


The cyber-attack was carried out as part of #OpMonsanto, an attempt to demonstrate against Monsanto’s reach into every aspect of the food industry, from nature to farmers to consumers. The corporation’s main website, Monstanto.com, appeared to have been briefly disabled Wednesday night.


For more on this story visit www.rt.com


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Chief Shares Knowledge About Star Nations, UFO's


 source: greenguerrilas 05/30/13

Uploaded on Jun 13, 2010

Chief Golden Light Eagle/ Standing Elk shares indigenous knowledge about the Star Nations, UFO's, extraterrestrials




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Blue Star UFO Report May 31-2013


Strange clouds appeared above the mountains. What might it all mean? Are there UFOs hiding in those clouds?

Source: http://johnnez.blogspot.ca/2008_12_01_archive.html


UFO over DownTown Los Angeles 5-26-2013


UFODI News: Large Formation Of UFO's Over Guelph Toronto On 29th May 2013



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Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation challenges new Shell tar sands mines



source: sarah small

Published on May 19, 2013

Indigenous people living downstream from the tar sands explain in their own words why they are saying enough is enough.

Shell Canada is proposing two new tar sands mine projects in northern Alberta, Canada. From the perspective of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nations (ACFN), whose lands will be affected by both Shell mines, governments are not fulfilling the promises of Treaty 8. This has led them to file a challenge to the Jackpine Mine proposal under section 35 of the Canadian Constitution.


Producer/Directors: Eriel Deranger and Melina Laboucan-Massimo

Videographers: Eagle Claw Thom & Zack Embree

Music: Meander River Dene Drummers

Recorded and engineered by: Taro Hashimoto & Curtis Cardinal

Additional Music:Dexter Britain "Into the Electric Fields" "Together in the Empty" freemusicarchive.org




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~A Message from the Earth Allies~ Peaceful Prayer for a Smooth Transition


[Part of the Announcements]







....We wish to share a moment of peaceful prayer to the current illusionary belief systems and send them loving energies for their complete dissolvement. They have played their roles and are no longer needed in the New paradigm.



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The Galactic Free Press Update: The Complete Surrender for the Powers who were is At Hand




Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth


 Photo by Charles Doyle Portal Opening May25th, 2013 which Cannot be Blocked or Closed! Love Wins


Greetings Love Beings,The Portal Opening Was A Success and We have entered and Exciting Energetic Gateway with alot of Help from our Sun and an asteroid passing close by. We have had many Exciting events this Month and in June they will Only increase. Indeed, We are now Spiraling Energetically and intensely Towards The Solstice in an Energy which was Put In Motion before Atlantis. The Energies arriving to Us Now Have Truly Been Remarkable and the surrender of the powers who were is at hand. As a Result of this Intensity, activations, changes, and transformations are taking place Multi Dimensionally across this Planet.



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5/30/2013 -- Volcano Sakurajima Erupts -- Large eruption of lava/ash in South Japan


Dutchsinse, 5/30/13



This volcano never ceases to amaze! Its been a very long time since the last video the Japanese agency put out in regards to this volcano.

At one point during 2011 , this volcano erupted 10 times in one day !

Things have quieted down a bit there, but now we see this... reminiscent of 2011's activity. Large static discharge lightning flashes, along with several lava bombs, and a LOT of ash fallout.


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Astrology Forecast for May 29, 2013 - Pele Report - Tom Lescher


As my mind is fast as lightning,
I know it needs my guiding,
To get it from the start,
That it's here to serve my heart.

This is a great week to make it happen! The 3/4 Moon square is associated with Capricorn which is about just that. Especially when it comes to what began 3 weeks ago at the eclipse... bring it to fruition! The caution would be to not get lost in all the busyness but to remember that it is all about LIFE, about CONNECTION and that the REAL game is LOVING IT ALL. Enjoy the process unfolding....


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions Now! Please Join Us.


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Come To Your Senses through Grounding ~ Hema Simondes


May 29, 2013 by Angel Wings and Unicorns


There’s been quite a buzz recently among athletes and health enthusiasts, on how to more quickly and easily recover from acute or chronic inflammation and injury through earthing. The term ‘earth’ is used often in Europe and equates to what we also call ‘ground’ here in America.


A ‘grounded’ human being is someone who is connected to and receives direct benefit from the infinite free electron source generated directly from our planet.  We’re grounded when we hold the same electrical potential as the Earth’s surface.  

Electrons are absorbed or discharged via the skin, mainly through our feet in contact with the ground.  This is an ancient and profound yet hugely common sense principle of well-being that’s currently resurging amidst enthusiastic stories of its success.



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Sign Of Change The Past Week Or So May 2013 Part 3


HawkkeyDavisChannel - 5/10/13




One more week full of rare and record breaking events. Floods, tornadoes, rare blockbuster snowstorms, earthquakes and so much more has taking place the past week or so.


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Native News Update May 29, 2013


Source:Skebewis native news 05-30-13

Published on May 29, 2013

Navajo plans to block access for uranium transport, Sault Tribe chairman appointed to federal panel, Remains of Shoshones killed in 1863 battle buried, Interview with Melvin Buckholtz on treaty rights: Use 'em or lose 'em.




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Kryon ~ Science of Energy and Our Need to Shift Our Means of Energy


Sunday, February 14, 2010
Albuquerque, New Mexcio
37 minute channelling session

Kryon, channeled live by Lee Carroll, shares with us more about the science of energy, gaia, and our connection to the earth.

December 21, 2012 marked the halfway point in a 36 year cycle wherein Gaia has entered the milky way galactic equator, or center. We have 18 years to go, to build this "New World", and for decades beyond that... This date marked a point with the highest potential in consciousness that humanity has ever seen in over 26,000 years. We are in it already halfway. This is a time of Earth changes. This is a time of profound consciousness shift. Our perceptions will go beyond our 5 senses. We will be able to better detect wisdom, also feelings of compassion and love. When we are not aware of our path, our path becomes fearful. Now it is imperative that we seek within for answers, and ask for help, and it shall be given. Authentic power needs to be created, and it must be created. Development of you, by you, to better distinguish the difference between love and fear... Find the qualities that are not serving you, and find the ones that do. Every moment and every second is a choice. The power lies in within you. You can change the planet and your life. Realize how beautiful, and powerful you are.


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AdaptingToGrace ~ Eileen Meyer ~ It’s Time To Fly ~ 30 May 2013


WakingUp8’s avatarCan you feel it? We’re getting closer… Will you force yourself to stay small? Or will you allow yourself to transform and fly?

This was a poem-turned-song I wrote back at the turn of the century (lol). I was feeling it then, and I feel it now – a new ledge, a new threshold in which to make a choice. Using the metaphor of the caterpillar to butterfly, it is now the entire collective making this evolutionary leap – together. It’s time to choose. It’s time for all of us to let go of the fear and fly.

Link to music on soundcloud : http://snd.sc/18BvMXo

I feel like liquid
one drop on a vine
with no protection
save the lacey lines
holding me
holding me
‘til my soul decides to fly
I spent all of my time
calling out to them with rhyme
dancing and kissing and wine
then I fall
I dissolve
I liquify (while you solidify)
this is the place they all fear
these are the words they won’t hear
this is the truth drawing near
watch the worm as she turns and inspires
watch the willful man stand still


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Earthquake Report for 05/30/2013


By: www.earthquake.usgs.gov

20 earthquakes


    5.3 260km S of Muara Siberut, Indonesia 2013-05-30 14:37:00 UTC-04:00 20.0 km

    2.5 50km SSE of Tanana, Alaska 2013-05-30 13:46:40 UTC-04:00 16.7 km

    3.1 60km S of Cantwell, Alaska 2013-05-30 10:54:01 UTC-04:00 67.7 km

    4.7 17km W of Piru, Indonesia 2013-05-30 10:38:25 UTC-04:00 69.3 km

    2.6 92km NNW of Talkeetna, Alaska 2013-05-30 10:09:44 UTC-04:00 118.0 km

    2.5 18km E of Pahala, Hawaii 2013-05-30 08:31:04 UTC-04:00 6.9 km

    2.8 82km NW of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico 2013-05-30 06:19:03 UTC-04:00 7.0 km

    4.4 71km NNE of Isangel, Vanuatu 2013-05-30 04:55:32 UTC-04:00 258.4 km

    2.8 9km E of Gilroy, California 2013-05-30 02:32:48 UTC-04:00 9.6 km

    2.7 6km W of Isla Vista, California 2013-05-30 02:11:54 UTC-04:00 10.4 km

    3.5 20km NNE of Shawville, Canada 2013-05-30 01:35:00 UTC-04:00 13.3 km

    2.8 84km NNW of Talkeetna, Alaska 2013-05-30 01:08:31 UTC-04:00 118.2 km


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James Gilliland Interviews Dr. Marra


James and Dr. Marra discuss the current times we are in and a more complete look at the overall picture.


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Atlantis Discovered?



GFP Note: This is a follow-up to our recent story Researchers: We May Have Found Brazilian 'Atlantis'


The Daily Beast - by Mac Margolis, 5/10/13


Off the coast of Brazil, in one of the earth’s least explored waters, geologists have made an intriguing find.



A rock on the seabed of the Alto Rio Grande elevation. (Brazilian Geological Service)



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Cobra ~ Short Update about the Irvine/Laguna Conference


Portal 2012 Thursday May 30, 2013



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Heavenletter #4571 - Your Light Shining


Heaven Letters Published on: May 31, 2013

God said:

Lovely is a world with you in it. Lovely are you to be a light in the world by which others may see. See what? See the beauty that they are.

You may say that you do not see the beauty they are. That may be, yet your light may paint a different picture. Those who shine in your light gain vision from your light that shines on them. And, so, you, too, may see with greater vision, and see the holiness that exists in the one you have thought you did not favor.

When I say your light is to fall on all, I mean your light does shine on all. Because you are not yet able to manage loving all who stand before you does not mean that the brightness of the light you shine is withdrawn from another’s view. The sun shines on all. Stars shine equally, favor all. Light falls where it falls. There is no withholding it.


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Substantial Shifting of Gaia Energy Structures Occurs at this Moment…


Gaia Portal May 31


Substantial shifting of Gaia energy structures occurs at this moment. Although the process of reshaping Gaia’s Higher D energetic patterns has been ongoing during the past 12 years, significant acceleration occurred during the end of year gateways, and in this now moment, particularly, increase in rate of formation of structures, leading to final so-called “Golden Age” grid, is occurring.

Those aware of these energies may have sensed a strong energetic shift during the past several hours. Tiredness and “out of place” sensations are due to this shifting out of outgrown Gaia energetic patterns and acceleration of formation of Golden Age patterns.

Light Worker types attuned to the needs of Gaia will understand necessary movement patterns required by them for assisting the planet into the final grid arrangements. Understanding that movement is being called for this Higher Purpose, will ease any incurred disruption energetics.


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Tornado touches down in Oklahoma, Arkansas


News-press - May 31, 2013

A wall cloud forms near Interstate 35 and Purcell, Okla. on Thursday, May 30, 2013. At least two tornadoes touched down in Oklahoma and another hit Arkansas on Thursday as a powerful storm system moved through the middle of the country. At least nine injuries were reported. (AP Photo/Alonzo Adams)

A wall cloud forms near Interstate 35 and Purcell, Okla. on Thursday, May 30, 2013. At least two tornadoes touched down in Oklahoma and another hit Arkansas on Thursday as a powerful storm system moved through the middle of the country. At least nine injuries were reported. (AP Photo/Alonzo Adams) / AP


At least three tornadoes touched down in Oklahoma, including one in Tulsa, and two more hit Arkansas on Thursday as a powerful storm system moved through the middle of the country. At least nine people were injured.


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ET telepathy in 'Paths to Contact: True Stories from the Contact Underground


Examiner.com - 5/12/13, Jon Kelly

How did George Adamski produce such an evocative home movie demonstrating futuristic materials science technology in the absence of production assistance from a more advanced civilization?

How did George Adamski produce such an evocative home movie demonstrating futuristic materials science technology in the absence of production assistance from a more advanced civilization? Credits: George Adamski/Michael Hesemann

The term “Contact Underground” was coined by Dr. Joseph Burkes, M.D.

Dr. Burkes is an internal medicine specialist who has been a UFO investigator since 1992. He is also a member of the authoring team that contributed to the publication of “Paths.”


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Re~Post: Six CIA plans that are stranger than fiction


Source: Current.com, Stephanie Whiteside, August 9, 2012

"The Bourne Legacy" premieres this weekend, continuing the franchise's tale of genetically modified assassins created by a top-secret government agency. But although the Bourne tales may be fiction, they're not so far off from some of the plans hatched by the CIA.

Here are six real CIA ideas that are stranger than fiction:

1. Pigeon-guided missiles
During World War II, behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner experimented with training pigeons to steer missiles. The pigeons would be strapped into the nose cone and trained to peck the image of a target on a screen, which would keep the bomb on path.


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Huffington Post and ABC Affiliate Report on UFO - Video


Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 5/23/13


"The barn sits under several flight paths," said Janet Kwak in her on-air 10News report. "We called Gillespie Field and MCAS Miramar (Marine Corps Air Station), but neither could offer an explanation."



"There is no way this was a commercial aircraft," Henry said. "I would have heard it, especially as low as it seemed to be. Someone did mention perhaps it was a drone. However, I have not seen any drones that were round or oval, and lacking wings, rudders or propellers -- even the drone that looks like a fly has wings."

More: Huffington Post



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Sirius UFO Director Amardeep Kaleka Interview



GFP Note: In this great interview, the Director of "Sirius" discusses the rifts in the UFO community caused by ego. His views are similar to those of the producer in this video we posted yesterday: Sirius UFO Producer JD Seraphine Interview.




Published on May 2, 2013 by  openmindstv




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The Easier Path~Getting stuck in the future and saving the planet.


Eckhart Tolle: The Easier Path May/June Issue of Spirituality & Health

By Karen Bouris


Web Source: http://spiritualityhealth.com/articles/eckhart-tolle-easier-path

To the uninitiated, Eckhart Tolle might be mistaken for a nature photographer. His persona—a soft German-accented voice, a boyish visage, his love of vests—doesn’t exactly scream, “guru!” Yet Tolle is one of the world’s most popular spiritual teachers and a literary powerhouse whose best-selling books The Power of Now and A New Earth have influenced millions.


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Get Ready for Spherical Consciousness ~ Eileen Meyer



The feminine. Gaia. Nature. Soul. Love. Spherical Consciousness.

Guess what? There has always been pure wisdom, power, and knowing in the spaces in-between our language-based framework of human life on earth. Some of us, no matter our gender, were born into and continued to have some sense of self in this watery in-between throughout our lives. But let’s face it, with little-to-no acknowledgement or validation of its existence in the world, it was crazy-making.

The ETs, the Kundalini, and the mystical communion with the Natural World arrived randomly throughout my life. All of these symbols of “Greater Frequency and Wisdom” came with their defibrillators in tow. They were ready to shock me back to the truth of LIFE at just the moment when they thought my essence was all but gone – swallowed up into the madness of the intellectually-dominated worldview. It felt like each visit, whether it was an emergency call or not, was full of purpose and intent to keep me in remembrance of what was not only real, but the actual center of my consciousness – the heart.


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Australia’s Aborigines Launch a Bold Legal Push for Independence


Source:Ian Lloyd Neubauer  TIME WORLD 5-31-13

One of many abandoned cars sits on the side of a dirt highway deep inside the Murrawarri nation, in the 16,000-hectare property of Murrawarri People's Council leader Fred Hooper, a.k.a. King Fred

If a determined group of indigenous people get their way, the world’s newest country won’t be in Africa or the Balkans but on the eastern periphery of Australia’s outback. A bleak, foreboding, flood-prone savannah the size of Austria 750 km northwest of Sydney, the Murrawarri Republic was home to an Aboriginal nation that lived in the Culgoa River region of the state of New South Wales (NSW) tens of thousands of years before the arrival of British settlers. On March 31, they took the first step in ending more than 200 years of colonial rule when they sent letters to Queen Elizabeth II and the Australian government demanding evidence of either a treaty or deed of cessation. When those parties failed to respond to the Murrawarri’s 28-day deadline, they issued a Declaration of the Continuance of the State of Murrawarri Nation.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Creativity


Angel Wisdom Friday, May 31, 2013


Capture your creative energy



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James Gilliland ~ Gamma Ray Bursts, Solar Flares, Cosmic Rays, Shifts In Human Consciousness




ECETI May 29 2013

Gamma ray burst

As many know we are getting bombarded by gamma ray bursts, solar flares, cosmic rays and other magnetic influences due to the alignment with Galactic Plane. Many are observing the unprecedented increase in earthquake, volcanic eruptions along with severe weather. What we are not seeing is how these energies affect human consciousness.

The earth is expanding – busting at the seams. We are expanding as well. These energies affect the bioelectric fields surrounding the human body all the way to the DNA level.

We have subtle (more refined) bodies – a body within a body – and these bodies hold consciousness and energy. What is held within these bodies or your fields is being activated. Energized. And there is nowhere to hide from this process. Try as you might that wounded little child will not have its way. Within the greatest of all tyrants (the cruelest, cold-hearted people) is a wounded little girl or boy. We all have this to one degree or another.


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Big Earth Approaching Asteroid has a MOON! 6 football fields wide! ((Binary System)


Big Asteroid 1998 QE2 nears Earth May 31st, 2013 with a Moon.



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The Energy Backstage: Waiting For The Event


Can you feel it? I feel it building up each day, the Vibration and Anticipation for The Event. Here is more on how it feels to be prepared and ready for the curtain to go up...I hope you feel this wonderful Energy and Light too. More at: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2013/05/onstage-behind-curtain.html


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Dinosaur Embryos Discovered In Egg Clutch In Portugal Called Most Primitive Ever Found


Huffington Post - May 31, 2013

Dinosaur Embryos

By: Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
Published: 05/30/2013 09:02 AM EDT on LiveScience

A dinosaur nest discovery has revealed the most primitive known dinosaur embryos, which are among the oldest ever found.

The eggs belong to Torvosaurus, a T. rex-like predator that stalked the late Jurassic some 150 million years ago. Torvosaurus grew to be around 30 feet (9 meters) long, but the fragmented embryos discovered in Portugal were probably only about 6 inches (15 centimeters) in length.

"This is shedding some light on the early stages of the development of these types of dinosaurs," said Ricardo Araújo, a doctoral candidate in paleontology at Southern Methodist University in Texas. [See Photos of Dinosaur Embryos and Hatchlings].



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Article: Ancient Egyptians Crafted Jewelry From Meteorites


LiveScience - Megan Gannon, News Editor - May 31, 2013

An analysis of this Gerzeh bead showed it was crafted from a space rock.
CREDIT: Open University



An ancient Egyptian iron bead found inside a 5,000-year-old tomb was crafted from a meteorite, new research shows.

The tube-shaped piece of jewelry was first discovered in 1911 at the Gerzeh cemetery, roughly 40 miles (70 kilometers) south of Cairo. Dating between 3350 B.C. and 3600 B.C., beads found at the burial site represent the first known examples of iron use in ancient Egypt, thousands of years before Egypt's Iron Age. And their cosmic origins were suspected from the start.


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Visionkeeper - Reprogram yourself…


One World Rising Posted on May 31, 2013


Commentary: Reprogramming suggests changing the program of the matrix of 3D.  A better word may have been deprogramming or leaving the world of illusion



Music to read by below:


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