Weekly Energy Updates ~ by Kathy Roseborough

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Hi Everyone !

The week starts off tonight with the Moon and Jupiter being the closest they will be until 2026…which we can look at from the “spiritual energetic standpoint” rather than just the physical proximity that is measurable. Jupiter as you may know, is our GIANT in the Solar system with a massive electro-magnetic field who’s qualities in astrology and esoteric study remind us very clearly that the Soul’s WILL is in charge of our lives…not the EGO. Sometimes we tend to let the Ego rule and it gets us in all sorts of mix-ups ! Jupiter is assigned to our throat chakra (energetically anchoring on the left side of our thyroid) and is responsible for Self-expression through our voice, our actions, words, disciplined plans and creative drive.

Jupiter reflects to us our ever-expansive expression of our True Self. When we align with our True Self…living and aspiring to our own Soul expression and Soul purpose in this life, we will be doing the very best we can..and enjoying it too ! When we try to go against this, we end up out of harmony and often feel sick and emotionally drained. The MOON of course reflects and reminds us that our emotions can be quite intense..and our emotions must not be jammed down inside of us..but instead expressed and aligned in a healthy manner. The moon has it’s own energy field as well..and it too to a greater of lesser degree..impacts upon us depending upon it’s proximity. The Moon and Jupiter together stir you into feelings of true desire, inspiration, passion and urgency to get on with your Soul purpose and really start developing it this year…starting now ! You feel this added energy that encourages you !  You can dream “big” like Jupiter and go beyond false limitation.


Now is the time to really look at anything that holds you back..clutters your mind…distracts and interrupts…and find the way to transform this. Gear up…examine where you are at in your life and put the added effort into changes in a positive manner. Jupiter is working with you…..your MEMORY in meditation can be activated…causing you to open up the akashic records and reflect upon just how gifted you are. You can reflect on how many lifetimes it took to get to this point..and just how fantastic the development of your gifts has been! We don’t waste our talents ! The Moon activates this ancient memory inside of you and you KNOW..you can truly say you KNOW…what you came into this world to do. With such combinations as these 2 influences…this week is a very good one.

Keep up with the organization and preparation of your framework. Organization for all of these influences is still the key to holding and integrating such great self-realizations. Can you imagine..that Jupiter..the power of Creative WILL and your EGO can come face to face[ and let it go, ego cannot enter the highe frequencies] and work together with such magnificent spiritual strength? Take what is offered and go the distance !

Do allow yourself some time alone for thinking and reflecting…journalling and writing up your plans. You will need a little quiet time..so don’t over-book yourself this week. Keep it light…keep it as a special, sacred time..just for you and the Cosmic influences ! Enjoy !

In Light and in Peace,


Link to EarthSky News: http://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-in-front-of-aries...
