More Allowing. It comes up a lot. It’s an important part of being a collective. As Lightworkers we realize that our collective goes far beyond our gradations of groupings like community, country and even humanity. We know clearly that our collective includes all life on Earth and the universe itself. We are not so different from the stars in our sky, yet we are unique. As we align with our full nature of galactic citizenship, we are appreciating our unique time/space and actively choosing to shape it as our blessing of free will in form Allows. Your powerful, open, flowing energetic field that basks in All Is Well, is a waystation of information – the form unformed informing. From this open space of Allowing, choice directs flow and form is informed.
Your creative ability is at the forefront of this time/space. There is a call for peace, a call for Love that has only grown in desire, thus the creation is bursting forth into all you experience. That which is incongruent with the cooperative, inclusive nature of life comes to the fore (four) for apoptosis. Like an organism of Life, you consume, embrace and Accept the offering, for it is focus inducing, choice inducing and Love inducing. Though it is a death, thus unwieldy and perhaps uncomfortable, it is a beginning of new life that is the Truth of destruction and opposition. All challenge, opposition and greed is a call to Love, inclusion and Life continued. Life begets life and time is the marker of transformation. As you Allow, you open to the path of progress that is new, not just repeating the past. You open to choice that is unlimited by fear, perception of lack or resistance to inevitable change. Your focus on Allowing is the function of apoptosis integrated as the fuel to the circle of new life that it is. Appreciation for the process is an aspect of Allowing. It opens your flow from past to present into future.
As we sit to Blast Allowing, we are becoming the vessel of creation within as our focus and choice forms the moment. We are Being the Light on the path of an integrative, courageous, loving Life. We are understanding how pain initiates a response of survival towards greed, overpowering and abuse and creating the boundaries that allow death to serve Life through forgiveness, strength and Allowing Love to create the limits of experience in form. We are bringing new Life to an existence that is offering a dimensional upgrade if we will only attune with it in thought, word and deed. We are the waystation of Allowing the old to be born into the new. Blast on!