Welcome to the Turning Point ~ Today's Astrology
Think today is just another day ... think again.
From: Dorene Carrel
On July 17-18, Mars makes a challenging t-square aspect to both Pluto and Uranus. The action of Mars will likely bring sudden change and upheaval to other institutions and personal situations, especially those that have been dysfunctional for some time. Individuals with personal planets at 7-8 degrees of the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn will likely feel the most impact from July 10-25. This will also likely be the most volatile period in terms of both personal and world events.
Oracle Report - Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer
Welcome to the Turning Point. Contrary to what you might expect me to say on a day with today's astrolgical aspects (go inside your tree and weather the energy), wise old owls will take flight today. Instead of grounding or sheltering in place, today we will fly from situation to situation as the need develops. We've spend the last week opening up a space for the influx of energy that will recalibrate our personal frequencies toward a closer spiritual connection with the planet. The grounding has already taken place. Now, when something we are around becomes mired in aggression or discomfort, we are going to mentally move on from it. Our consciousness remains firmly connected but we will simply remove ourselves from situations that are not to our liking.
Today opens the three-day period where things are going to turn or shift like a hinge. People will tend to be erratic, unpredictable, and volatile. Aggression will surface in places. Some will come unhinged. Things will come seemingly out of the blue, so we need to be prepared to respond by taking ourselves to a different mental space - one that is slower and surer. This energy is fast. Impulsivity is heightened. Be very aware of your surroundings and take special care when you are driving or working around anything that could injure you. This energy causes accidents. If you are in a city, you'll notice an increased number of emergency vehicles' sirens. This has already been building and you may have noticed it.
Yesterday I sent a tweet about US naval ships firing on a "mystery" boat in the Persian Gulf, killing one person. This is a prime example of the energy.
But it does not bode well for the future in the region. This energy is being used by darker forces to further agendas contrary to the good of humanity. The astrological imprint for war is being made. The Illuminati, pawns of the Archons, are master astrologers and they know when to take advantage of energy like this. We are not fooled.
So, for us, the Turning Point is the shift point. You will begin to feel a change in the energy. But remember what I mentioned a few days ago (see Archives). Changes to the energetic field are subtle. This energy will bring balance to what is out of balance. We can pivot our way out of situations (mindsets, beliefs, habits, insecurities, perceived failures...) and into a new way of thinking and living. The Turning Point is a gift! Give thanks. Find and celebrate the beauty of the world. Seek a new experience of life. Slow down, breathe, and fly through.
(Note for those who are interested in the astrology of the day: The Moon moving into opposition to Pluto and squaring Mars and Uranus is what kicks off the energy of the Turning Point. This happens around 11:30 am EDT. The Sun is square Eris and Saturn, with Eris and Saturn in opposition. There are other aspects in play, but the hard aspects in cardinal signs are dominant.)
From: Soulantra King
The vortexes that are all over the Earth, that are connected to the higher dimensional Earth are doorways where you can step through, or see yourself in the New Earth as there are no veils. On this day energies we are experiencing a major opening of these vortexes.
The New Earth is simply the higher dimensional Earth and the only way we can be with it is through our heart in love, as we unify we open up the doorway of our heart to step through into the New Earth as Co-creators. We no longer operate in the Earth of duality and fear, we have moved into the higher dimensional worlds, this has happened before at changes in cycle and we call these places ‘Cities or Civilizations of Light’. As the world got denser they moved into the higher octaves of Light, still in the same space but occupying different dimensional worlds, places like Shamballa, Rama, Lemuria and Atlantis. There are Light Cities and worlds in the Antarctica, South of India, on the East Coast of Australia and countless other locations; in Tibet, the Americas, Africa and also places where there is now ocean, or there are doorways into the Inner Earth where these higher dimensional worlds exist like Mount Shasta and Sedona.
For those still on the wheel of incarnation and believing in death and birth, hooked into fear and the astral worlds then there is only the third dimensional world that they perceive. Now as we come into the Golden Cycle there is a massive shift of humanity through our consciousness and unification process moving into the New Earth, higher dimensional Earth into the Golden Cycle, we have chosen on a soul level to do this and now is the time that this is happening. So it is not just in a selected area like Avalon; where the patriarchal roman religion destroyed the Goddess and Earth connected way of being that made Avalon move beyond the mist, it is literally that now the mists or veils of illusion are moving and we are walking into the new creation, beyond the mists. This is happening for all who choose, not a “chosen people, which is still from old elitist, fear based controllers who want to keep everyone in separation.”
This shift is a shift in consciousness and a shift in cycle, the return and unification of the Sun’s Twin the RA AR is heralding this shift as the RA Light illuminates humanity. There is no separation and the Earth is also the RA, Sun and Earth are One, the Earth herself is becoming a Sun as the Sun becomes a Central Sun, the Central Sun a Greater Central Sun. The Second Sun is the doorway into the New Earth.
Please see NEW EARTH for working with the New Earth and also drop down NEW EARTH BIRTHING and RAINBOW DRAGON who takes you to the New Earth as well as RA and drop downs under it all on the Menu bar.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 3 (rhythm, creativity, integration, sacred trinity) BLUE (West – energise, transforms) HEARTH – AKBAL (stillness, inner-self, dreamtime, serenity)
From: http://alexandriankosmos.blogspot.com/
The New Horizon Part 2
On July 17, 2012 the Universal Energies will begin a three day period intended for quickly adapting into the New Spiritual Standards of the surging New Horizon Energy. Some like you, dear Lightworker, will not need to adapt your Standards but many of the Souls of Man of Destiny will burst their seams as they begin to internally recognize who he or she really is – a Co-Creator with God! This will signal to you, dear Lightworker, and all of your fellow members of the Legion of Light that the work before you will not appear as daunting as it may appear in the present.
This Gateway Energy will follow with a secondary surge of Energy that is preordained for you, dear Lightworker, and will elevate you and your Project of Light above all obstacles as Man of Destiny begins his or her task to align him or herself into the God Presence Energy of August 13, 2012. This phase of time will also emphasize that Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light begin working together from July 18, 2012 until August 16, 2012! Most of Man of Destiny will be vicariously learning but some will not cede from what they expect to happen. The reason for this will be that Man of Destiny has no basis of understanding Truth like you do, dear Lightworker.
Truth and Love from God is Eternal as you, dear Lightworker, already know and understand. Truth and Love for Man of Destiny is relative to his or her Soul’s level of understanding. Many have been here upon the Earth Plane as many times as you have come to teach them about the Spirit and have learned. Some however have spent fewer lifetimes upon Mother Earth and have only accumulated “base knowledge” to advance into the times ahead. The latter ones will be the ones with the most to gain in the New Horizon appearing before us and will be slow to adapt. Do not judge them for their lack of effort for they will now be like elementary school students cramming to take a college level exam! Hail their efforts and send them Light and Love!
The end result in the near time ahead will be to learn and understand that the goal of Living with Eternal Truth and Love is to be in a State of Joy in Living! Joy in Living is the attainment of a continuous state of Joy and Contentment concerning Life’s circumstances. It is not measured with emotional pendulum swings of elated and depressed moods but rather through your Heart’s Expression! Your Heart’s Expression is the key to being in a state of Joy and Contentment and is an internal process. On August 3, 2012 the completion of establishing the foundation of your own state of Joy in Living will conclude so that the process of progressing from an internal to an external process may begin on August 4, 2012.
The Energy from July 17, 2012 through August 16, 2012 will be comforting and pleasing to you, dear Lightworker, for you will be back in your element of heightened Love Energy and in the Presence of God the Father and Mother of ALL Things after August 13, 2012! Many upon the Earth Plane will not understand this concept for they only understand with their external eyes rather than through their Hearts. In the next three years many will finally learn and understand this concept with the introduction to God the Father and Mother of All Things.Difficult as it may be to be introduced to an “event” recognized from the Sacred Books of all religions, it will become a Reality when everyone realizes that we are truly living in the Presence of the Father and Mother of ALL Things in the New Horizon!
From: http://www.judyjoyceastrology.com/
July 15 – 21
The most intense days this week are likely to be July 17 – 19. Tensions will be high. The powerful energies of change and transformation shown by the square of Uranus and Pluto (radical restructuring) are likely to be thrust upon us, ready or not. Some adjustments will be necessary. The New Moon in the emotional and intuitive sign of Cancer occurs on July 18. The energies during this entire week could have somewhat of a surreal quality. There is agreat potential for creative and positive change, but also the possibility of feeling overwhelmed with unfamiliar circumstances or feelings. If you feel scattered and spacy, do activities that bring you back to Earth. Get out in nature, take a walk, do something physical, feel your feet firmly connecting with Mother Earth, fill your pockets with rocks – whatever works.
July 19 -22 will be a very interesting time for relationships. They are likely to be intense, may start suddenly and surprisingly, or may have a “fated” quality.
This energies of change and transformation will be especially strong for you this week if your birthday is on the following dates: Aries- Mar 28 to 30; Taurus- May 13-14; Cancer- Jun 28 to 30; Leo- Aug 14-15; Libra- Sep 30 to Oct 2;Scorpio- Nov 14-15; Capricorn- Dec 29 to Dec 31; Aquarius- Feb 11-12. (Also affects any planets or angles at 7-9° Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, and 22-23° Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.)
And for those who look for updates about ending the Cabal, even Cobra is talking about the astrology of today ....
Keeping the Balance
I would like to bring to your attention the following astrological configuration happening tomorrow:
It is a cardinal grand cross involving Pluto, Uranus, Mars and the Moon. It is one of the most tense, violent, explosive and rigid configurations possible, yet holding a potential seed for a big breakthrough. This configuration will be effective to the end of this week. People are tired of waiting for the Positive Military and want to take matters in their own hands. It is a moment when the Archons would like to trick the population into a violent revolution.
Therefore I would suggest everybody to remain calm and peaceful. Violence will not overthrow the Cabal. It is strategically unwise to attack the enemy where he is the strongest. Instead I would propose the people inside the freedom movement to co-create a grassroots master plan. You might want to take a look at this:
And this:
The best immediate strategy would be to expose the Cabal and release lists with names of people and their past crimes to humanity. The surveillance videos and massive evidence that David Wilcock is speaking about would be most welcome at this point. And Assange could also leak something.
I am sure you already know of the latest Drake’s show that was abruptly ended by the Cabal:
People are asking me what to do about it. You are sovereign beings and you will make your own choices. I will report the events as they unfold and will give some background intel when appropriate.
People are also asking the Resistance to intervene now directly in the situation on this planet. The Resistance is aware of the suffering of humanity and cries for help and will respond, but the extent and shape of their operations remain classified for now.