In response to the recent articles about the recent struggles we have all been facing I feel inspired to share my story with you. Since august last year I have been walking my path as instructed and asked by my guidance. This has evolved over the past year to how I work now. The way I work with my guidance is how I was shown by my good friend who introduced me to the wonderful world of working directly with divine guidance.
I left my home in Leeds to live in a cottage in the middle of no where on the Scottish border. Guidance had presented this as a crucial part of our path to me and two other people. I had friends who already lived in the village. I left my full time job and my home and life in Leeds. My time in Leeds since my big awakening in the summer of 2010 had been a turbulent time. I had literally been thrown in at the deep end of awakening to my self and the bigger picture of why I am here. Its hard for me to articulate the magnitude of events that happened to me and my soul group in that year. It was an intense ride and it wasn't easy for any of us. The layers of intensive work we were going through on looking back now seems staggering. I went to the cottage feeling optimistic for some big visible changes coming soon.
An unfortunate event in February 2011 meant I had spent the last 6 months healing my energy and lifting my soul core resonance as it has plummeted. All my spiritual work was on hold and my attempts to work with my crystals had left me vulnerable to interference from some very undesired beings who were very interested in me. Not been able to work with my guidance and knowing how much the dark ones wanted me destroyed was a very difficult time for all of us involved and I went to Scotland leaving all that behind me.
In October 2011 I was given the go ahead and was allowed to continue my spiritual work. I was reassured by guidance and by my friend who had worked closely with me thought my troubles that year that I could continue free from interference or harm. Almost straight away I was back in the thick of it, bringing forward a channelled story from Meritaten who had watched Egypt fall to the dark ones. Her brother was Tutankhamen. She fled Egypt and went on to have a very interesting life not documented now. I spent 3 months there writing my book and working with and been shown other aspects of self. I was once again pulled into the ever growing wonder of who is my soul and what's it all about? Although I was loving been back at work I was bored and fed up with the cottage. Id left an active and diverse house in inner city Leeds to sit in the middle of no where. I was missing home.
As out of the blue as going there was so was the go ahead to return to Leeds. Through the wonders of synchronicity I moved back into the house I'd left. On returning to Leeds I did some pretty intense ground crewing that assisted a shift me and my soul group I worked with were well aware of. This involved clearing the entire lower fourth and the planet lifting its resinations to the upper fourth dimension. This work was checked and confirmed as correct by 3 other people. As this was a big claim and challenged many light workers world view. For a while now its not been common knowledge. Form my personal perspective going from tight controls and a heavily protected house to been encouraged not to protect the house and been discouraged from using tight controls took some adjusting.
The only trouble i have had since then that required me to put up the house protection has been three seperate occasions where people have astrally projected here with the intent to harm me.
A simple explanation for the darkness people are experiencing is that the upper fourth holds a much higher creational potential than were we resided in the lower fourth. This has resulted in people creating there fears in the form of thought forms and these thought forms been projected back at them. This works with the law of attraction and free will. There is a realm that exists now on physical earth where no darkness exists. I'm living it (and others are too). Its real but if you want to access it you have to know in your heart its a truth and access it through the law of attraction.
In march 2012 my guidance gave me the bigger picture of who I am all gaps filled in. I awoke to the reality of who I am. I'm not here to convince anyone my truth but in my heart and knowing how all this has unfolded I stand strong in my truth. On realising and knowing the bigger picture of myself The Shekinah came through and informed me that is was crucial to the divine plan that I only ever did as asked and only made choices as aligned with the will of the divine. I already worked like this so nothing changed except now the divine were asking me not to work. I had gone back to work and one day my car was broken into. I didn't realise until I was trying to go to work that the lights had been turned on and the battery had been drained. Things like this don't happen by accident so I took it as a sign that they were serious I didn't go to work. The last 5 months I have barley left the house. I have paid my rent through the kindness of friends and family. We have it pretty cushty in this house so it hasn't been hard surviving on a day to day level. Abundance flows here and my presence is valued. I'm grateful to be in a position where I can just sit in a house seemingly not doing anything. I actually do a lot within the spiritual community and on a personal level. This time away from “real life” I have done some major healing and clearing within myself. Since the events of 2011 there has been an underlying trust issue that still I'm over coming. My work and what I bring forward has been checked on many occasions since the clearing and as always since then I'm working with my highest guidance. The inner knowing I feel and the changes I have seen reassure me that all is in-fact as it seems and as it should be.
My point with this, although I do waffle on but it is necessary I feel, is that there are many of us in the same boat, me included. Were sitting around been assured of and waiting for this wonderful new life where were the ones making decisions for the well-being of ourself and all. The universe is abundant and if you have found yourself in a position of seeming strife, in my opinion it only serves a purpose. That purpose is yours to behold.
Because I'm doing as asked by my guidance and because I don't lie to my friends, a lot of eye brows have been raised. The question of mental illness, as always (I've been called crazy half my life) has been raised but anyone who knows me on a day to day level knows I'm the sanest one of the lot (my friends lol). Any conversation I've had with my friends who have questioned my sanity has always ended with them saying they no I'm not mad. My friends who are aware have struggled with my choice not to work or go out much as asked by my guidance but they have the abilities to check my work with there/my guidance or at the Akashic records.
I personal have put my ass on the line this year. I've lost my job and my car and I constantly put my reputation as a sane and functioning member of society on the line with every day that nothing happens. Also I'm asked to bring forward truth's to individuals they sometimes don't want to hear. I get accused of working from ego but I assure you now if I was working from ego I would NOT be doing what I'm doing now.
The difference is I see a lot happening. The subtle things maybe other people don't see or don't have access to because there work is different to mine. Also I sit here knowing true peace. Knowing that my path must lead to heaven on earth and knowing every step of this process, for all, serves a purpose. The only thing in this moment now that is disrupting my inner peace is knowing I'm been pushed to write and publish blogs like this one that open my up and leave me bare for the world to judge. Obviously this is something for me to over come and maybe that is the purpose of this blog? I'm sure I will know when the moment is perfect for me to know.
I leave you now with your own heart and inner knowing
All my love
Bravely shared
Dear Ree:
I always enjoy your posts, and this one is no exception! You really are brave to put yourself out like this to the world- I am usually fairly private too, but I feel the inner promptings at times to share/comment. As with the others who have shared on this topic, I identify with you and find many synchronicities that give me pause to contemplate the greatness of the project in which we willingly participate at this moment. Much love dear- Becky
Thank You! :) xxx