What an honor it is ~~~~ Love Wins After All

Lia's picture
Submitted by nepalidreamX on Tue, 02/26/2013 - 21:18.

What an honor it is to be a part of something so grand in nature. 

Ever since I became a member here on the press...I have been drawn to it day after day..reading and growing. Oh the lessons that I learned...the epiphanies that I had...all because of this site. I am so grateful for all of my brothers and sisters that are on here sharing daily with us. And Thank You MotherGod and FatherGod for all you have done to create such a wonderful site. 

LOVE WINS after all



<3 <3 <3




thank you

Rose2227's picture

for voicing what we all feel dear one! This place has indeed been blessed by  the wonder of all beautiful beings drawn to love. (hugs)

All are Blessed...

TheFlashRon's picture

Thank you for your heart-felt expressions of gratitude and blessings to your family of Light and as you pour forth your blessings they are returned to you in kind - kind of like a positive feedback loop where a microphone is close to the speaker and the sound energy starts to build and build until the maximum power of the amplifier is engaged in this frequency of Love energy... In Oneness... That is truly what we are.