You may already be well aware that the media spins disinfo like it's cotton-candy...but I guarantee most "truthers" don't know a fraction of DEEP...and how WIDE...the LIE actually, goes! Literally E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G being taught in schools, churches, mainstream media, etc, has been an extension and continuation of the ongoing deception...ALL to keep YOU trapped in a little cube! They like to call it...the "APPLE". Oh...and don't be fooled...for this absolutely 100% DOES include the Bible, whom many Christians believe to be the "infallible Word of God"! Sorry to report...the bible's no exception! However, the bible's still a relevant text that should be analysed for truth...because behind the layers of can STILL find that little nugget of truth! This is a journey, which each man must take for, don't accept MY word for it! My favorite quote from the movie "Ben Hur" is..."You're here to serve this row well...and live!"