What is the Statue of Liberty UFO?

Rain's picture


By Tom Rose
August 3, 2012

What is this mysterious UFO hovering near the Statue of Liberty?

Credits: Arran Shaw @YouTube

A UFO video posted to YouTube has been uploaded by a man in the UK which was filmed in July, but, apparently looked at again in light of the recent Goodyear blimp controversy. The results are amazing.

The UFO video, posted by Arran Shaw, is recorded on an iPhone filming a laptop showing the live feed from the Statue of Liberty's EarthCam. So the quality is not the best. But the results are mysterious and definitely worth a second look.

To read the rest of this story, visit examiner.com



Dates are an Illusion....it's

Guest's picture

Dates are an Illusion....it's just a TEST to see how many humans continue to believe after there is nothing that physically happens in the 3d reality. HOPE is false....but when u meditate u find answers & real Honest proof of who u are & what your objectiv is here as a Light worker.

NOTHING will ever happen in the 3d because the frequency & vibration levels are too Low, you can only raise your Vibration to see them with your heart & 3rd eye chakra.

As long as u have "hope" you will always have "dispair".....they were here before Aug 4th & they will be here forever. They are just Waiting for us to mature spiritially......so we can reach them!!!!!

It is only up to us as an Individual to look within.....they can't do it for us. Remember the bible also says when the End comes there will be a great separating of the "Wheat from the Shaft." Dates are just Test.....that is all.

<3 Priscilla

This is so cool! I love these

Doreen Smith's picture

This is so cool! I love these people's reaction..I wish more people would comment during their filming of UFO's..even just the date and where they are..Thanks..Sending much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3