This Is What They Are Blocking At Sun Sets Nibiru Planet X

Lia's picture



Guest's picture

But WHY are they blocking it? 

Wouldn't i t have been a lot easier to just freaking open their mouths and tell the truth? They didn't have any problem banishing poor little Pluto from the 'Planet' category.

And excuse me, but I think Nibiru or whatever that is, is a bit less intrusive than the chemtrails they've been using to cover it. Just Saying..... ;o)


In their sick and twisted

Love's picture

In their sick and twisted mind(tptb) they're killing two birds with one stone. Hide planet x and poision the population(mass genocide) along with mother earth with tons upon tons of harmful chemicals.


azurestar21's picture

  I believe it to be "VELA" my friends...