When To Fire Your Doctor

Reiki Doc's picture

My friend is an RN who underwent Gastric Bypass surgery two years ago. She is outspoken, and candidly tells the story of how she went through not one, not two, but THREE primary care 'gatekeeper' physicians to find the one who was the 'right match' for her health care goal of bariatric surgery and significant weight loss.

She went fron six pills a day for diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol to one pill after an astounding one hundred pound weight loss. In this article, she shares how the 'fired doctors' treated her, and what she did back with each to find the health care she knew was right for her.

More at: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2013/05/an-rn-patient-who-fired-three-doctors.html


Gastric Bypass Surgery

Rhiannon Yellow Star's picture

My name is Rhonda aka Rhiannon Yellow Star.  I was once a woman of 302lbs and now I am 102lbs.  I had my surgery in 2002.  Six years after my surgery I started having severe complications because of having the gastric bypass surgery.  I have had to have 3 separate emergency operations because of the surgery.  I suffer with severe malnutrition which has severely damaged my bones, teeth, and muscles.  Most of the time I can't hardly eat and will go sometimes a week with severe nausea and vomiting.  I am one of the lower percentile of patients having had the surgery that needed it reversed. One of the top notch physicians in bariatric surgery operated on me.  He is also known as the MD that gave Carnie Wilson her first bariatric surgery.  The long term affects of the surgery is very hazardous to a persons health.  I had read a article a few years ago that the majority of people having this surgery have only and extended life span of 12 years.


Sure, I am skinny now, but I am an unhealthy skinny and I look like death warmed over.  Having the gastric bypass surgery was the worst mistake I have ever made in my life, but I did it because my children were young and I felt so bad about myself.  I wanted to live to see my children grown.


I beg you all, if you feel you have to have weight loss surgery, please do the lap band.  It is much safer and can be easily reversed.  The RNY(gastric bypass) is a much more complicated surgery to reverse and the infection rate from having this surgery is very high.  I had been sent to a doctor in Atlanta, Georgia from Macon, Georgia 2 years ago because the surgery needed to be reversed.  The doctor who originally done my surgery claimed he dropped me for non-compliance which was a flat lie because I had followed all of the rules he gave me.  I take my vitamins along with my other meds.  I now have osteoporosis and have multiple spinal compression and hip fractures because of the bone loss related to the surgery.  I am no longer able to do the physical work of a nurse and had to retire last year at 48.  I loved being a nurse and helping people.  Now I feel like a nobody and dependant on others to take care of me.  This is very hard for me because I have always been very independant and helped many people in  my day.


Please, think twice before having the gastric bypass surgery and consider the lap band instead.  If I can save just one life by having others to reconsider this surgery, my sacrifice will not have gone in vain.  It is much to be fat and sassy than to be skinny and sickly.  Please, please think twice about doing this.  Do much research on the subject.  I had 2 sister in laws that had the same gastric bypass surgery.  Theirs was successful at first like mine was, but within a few years they gained all of their weight back plus some.


I love you all.


In Love & Light,

Rhonda aka Rhiannon Yellow Star


I consider gastric bypass

will's picture

I consider gastric bypass surgery to be mutilation of a perfectly fine body. If you can't properly diet and excercise to save your own life, you have a serious mental problem, and the physical symptoms are just a result of that. I don't think a doctor who really cares about their patients would ever recommend gastric bypass surgery. Furthermore, surgery is dangerous, the CDC estimates roughly 100,000 people die each year in the US from infections they get in the hospital. The number is most likely higher than that too, as the hospitals themselves record the cause of death, and they often lie to make it look like they're not responsible (article).