~Who is YOUR leader? By cindyloucbp

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Leadership…what an ambiguous term in the world of today! The Webster dictionary defines a leader as “one who takes the lead or initiative”. Leaders are supposed to be followed. I grew up and was taught that leaders were wiser than I, better than I, and in most ways…superior to me and that’s why I was supposed to follow their lead on how to react to life’s situations. I tend to think these thoughts about the superiority of leadership are prevelant all over the world and are followed by all on this earth.

Oh wait! Maybe that’s why we have precious little peace in our world. Today’s “leaders” think that might is right and do not hesitate to prove that point by involving various nations in grabbing whatever there is to grab. Natural resources like oil, land, water, various minerals and airspace all are “up for grabs” by the biggest and smartest grabber and grabbing NEVER evolves from real LOVE!

Let’s play a little game of “what if”. What if people were raised and taught to merely respect each other? I suspect the only real “issues” that would arise would be a tad of competition amoungst leaders (short-lived at that) to see who could support their followers in the best way. Wow…I see the sharing of resources, the elimination of most taxes, the military performing societal improvement projects fast and friendly, farmers growing bountiful (non-GMO) crops, clear and clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. In addition, work would NOT be boring or performed out of fear! No more “tenament landlords” and housing would be affordable with fair and reasonable prices for buying and selling real estate. Children would learn easily and quickly from motivated teachers unbound by absurd regualations. No more drugs for nonconforming childern! Interest rates would disappear from banking and financial abundance would abound!

Sound like a dream? Nah…not when each one of us believes in ourselves enough to become our own leader. At that point, we would immediately recognise and know who is better at what and willingly follow their lead. And sometimes…WE might be that individual that folks want to follow!

The following article provides a good resource about true leadership. “You are the leader of one – and therefore, the leader of all. Displaying to others what is possible once you trust and love yourself. You are not better than others. Nor are you less than others. This is the Age to strut your stuff in any way you wish – but not expecting others to notice or care for they are strutting their stuff in their way…That is your road to glory. That is your joy. Believing in yourself enough to discover and live your life whether that meshes with others or not. “ http://lifetapestrycreations.wordpress.com/

When we follow the lead of our hearts by “doing the right thing”, respect and LOVE for ourselves and our fellow man evolve. Becoming the leader of yourself is not stroking your ego or aggrandizing yourself. In fact, following your true desires is the way to happiness and bliss according to Joseph Campbell, a recognised philosopher of this era.

All I am able to do is to urge you to follow your heart and become your own leader. Follow others when you trust them, but allow yourself…to lead yourelf. The kicker is to apply this principle to everything and everyone in your life. The more peole who lead themselves, the faster we will see our “dream” world appear!

