Why Is Oil Giant Enbridge Scared Of Little Girl And Her Beautiful Music Video?

EstherBee's picture



BelindaLove's picture

Because someone at Endbridge knows that parents take their childrens comments to heart.

Truth from the mouthes of babes

tcatt57's picture

Truth from the mouthes of babes, this little girl is a nuclear reactor of LOVE. How beautiful and true, and her efforts should ignite a fire of disire in each one of us.  It is too bad everybody has not learned to surf and develop a relationship and understanding of just how incredible our oceans are and how willing dolphin and other marine life are to interrelate with us. Her video is so beautiful,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=d9dBrlDXVsk#!

Currently we have two serious threats to the human species the plants and animals, by Monsanto and the chemtrail spraying are linked and both the activities are criminal in and to nature. The evidence is overwhelming and should make people realize they are not accidents. Unlike 9/11 this is a direct threat to us now and waiting us a disaster, because it's current damage must be reversed. These Lackey's will run to the Conspiracy Theory free space on the game board of life, but when does that line wear out. These lackey's run to the Conspirsacy Theory space every time evidence cannot be refuted, but these activities are promoting deadly toxins in our food and oceans, it is the last straw! No fear because we can unite and when we understand the problems, we can

join together with those who have come up with some unique ways to address these activities. This video is very detailed and gives us those questions the culrits must answer or siece and desist,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48SXNP5G1oM , understand the reality.

Meanwhile Kimberly Gamble put this website up providing ways to challenge the Chemtrail spraying scientists, and provides a way to impact this whole group of scientist who will need to face the peope in ways they will need to finally be honest. Her website address is http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/thrives-kimberly-gamble-we-will-succe....

I hope I have not shook up anyone I feel we have an obligation to stop the murder of our planet.