The Wilde Weekly: The Love of God

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Zen-Haven May 2 2013

SW_GodlightThe love of God keeps you safe, but first this:

What we call God is a celestial light that gives rise to the myriad dimensions of heaven that are located inside the holographic fields-upon-fields. Every grain of sand contains all the heavens and hells inside it.

But very few people have ever seen the celestial light, one person in a million maybe, or maybe one in ten million, so it is hard for humans to believe in God as a light.

Humans can garner a lot of the light and then a human may become God to other humans: Buddha, Shiva, Jesus etc. But no one human can garner all of the light, for it stretches beyond this universe into a trillion other universes that no human from earth has ever been into or even seen.

Light moves at 300,000 kilometers a second; it might move even faster in the heavens. If, in one special instant in time, a human suddenly became all of the light, by the time they sat down for a cup of tea to mull it over, the light would be 200 million kilometers further away. Interesting eh? No human can keep up with the God-light, our brains are too slow and it’s too fast.

But you can visualize the light, and you can breathe it in for yourself and breathe it out as love to others, and that small quanta (packet of light) then becomes yours. It’s a path to freedom from torment.

Just as humans can’t normally see the light, they can’t see the demonic forces either. People think they are immune but that is naïve and immature; no one is immune: fear, chronic fatigue, paranoia, nightmares, depression, phobias, violent tendencies, spite, and various forms of psychosis are ALL ghoul feeds from a dimension close by, and most of the physical pain humans experience is fired by the ghouls as well.

We know that very precisely by watching them do it, and then there is some pain that is intrinsic to our human condition, like say if one breaks a leg.

The celestial light fries the ghouls, they incinerate in seconds, and prayer evoking your God also helps to back off the demonic. But it can’t defeat it all, as the demonic is very deeply hidden inside humans.

To become totally safe you have to have the same qualities as the god-person you worship: love, generosity,tenderness, kindness, respect, and you have to be introspective and watch as your darkness comes up so that you see and understand your shadow traits rather than denying them, pretending to be perfect.

The Taoists saw God as an essence in nature; today we call that essence or spirit of nature, Gaia. So the love of Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Shiva is fine, it shows respect, but the love of Gaia is stronger because Gaia is beyond dogma, rules and concepts of religion, she’s pure.

Eventually she responds to your prayers and she closes in over your head to protect you. In the inner worlds you see the trees above you and the flowers and shrubs make a wall around you. The ghouls can’t break through and you become safer walking down the street. So breathe your light and love to the trees and Gaia and build yourself a powerful place to stand. A new serenity follows.

A love of God sets you free as it separates you from the demonic and that freedom is the ultimate gift of God.

© 2013 Stuart Wilde — Stuart Wilde.Com

