The World Is Highly Anticipatory, Now Expect[Intend] Something Different
Sometimes we may question....Who me? Powerful?
Today on this special day where others may be planning for war, take a few moments and say, "I AM a being of peace... I AM now sending waves of Peace and Love to neutralize the earth consciousness grid with the Violet Flame of Transmutation... Archangel Michael, please assist us in this process and guide us to the crystal cities of the New Earth and peacefilled connections with our kindred star visitors.... I AM willing to be joyfilled and loving I AM willing to live, heartfilled.... so be it!"
“Dear Creator God, thanks for the lessons in duality… but ya know… ‘no more illumintati thanks’… please guide me to a save zone for this transition if it’s necessary… I join in with you and the Heavenly Hosts, to clean up this earth grid of all harmfilled energies, that it be immediately neutralized… the Age of Aquarius is here!… With you and not against you, I imagine our entire planet surrounded in Violet Light of Transmutation… and I personally send streams of Violet Light To All Universes, as in invitation for friendly ET visitors to come and visit us…. those beings that we humaity, have documented in the sky for at least 60 years that shows that our space brothers and sister mean no harm….we can see them in the night sky as rainbow stars blinking blue, green and yellow…. and please and mucho gracias, help us quickly and immediately completely energetically balance out our planet, free energy for everyone…. I ask for this request to be magnified a billion times…. I would also like to fire up the new crystal grid system to connect high Atlantean knowledge to be used for the greater good of all, may this new knowledge flow into the heart of anyone receptive… I realize in these new galactic realties, that we are stepping into a whole new reality… I’m ready for something new… this old 3D reality has been a blast…, but I’m ready to stop being a virus on planet earth…. yee haa… be it!….AHO! … (more streams of violet light sending them out to radiate 24/7 to our earth energy grid, and all universes in the cosmos) Requesting full dna downloads to activate dormant dna….manifest now… manifest now… manifest now.”