Alternet, By: April M. Short, 06/02/2013
“OMG, GMO, WTF?” Nine letters printed on a protester's T-shirt summed up the frustration of the thousands who gathered in San Francisco's Justin Herman Plaza for the culmination of the local March Against Monsanto action on May 25. San Francisco’s protesters joined more than two million people in 400 cities around the world in a backlash against the $58 billion multinational corporate giant Monsanto, responsible for chemical poisoning, genetically engineered seeds, and a multitude of offenses since its founding as a chemical company 100 years ago.
Pamm Larry—the self-proclaimed Grandma behind Calif.’s Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food Initiative (Prop. 37)—spoke to the crowd about ongoing efforts to follow the momentum of the global march. “It’s the little tiny things that add up, which have made this movement explode around the world and the country, and I’m so excited to see that it’s moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas getting out there,” she told the crowd via megaphone, noting that a mother started the March Against Monsanto (MAM) effort via a Facebook page. “I’m gonna ask you all not to let this energy die, please.”
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